News archive 2012
The death of Italian scientist and physician Rita Levi Montalcini, 103, has claimed a tireless advocate for a hunger-free world, FAO Director-General Jose Graziano da Silva said today. Montalcini, an FAO goodwill ambassador since 1999, died on 30 December in Rome.
Although farmers and herders in North Darfur, Sudan often fight over scarce resources, an agreement brokered by FAO means peace has come. Instead of letting their livestock graze in farmers' fields, herders have agreed not to move their animals into the farming area until after the harvest. About 2 500 farm households have just reaped a record 600 tonnes of grain. Now phase two of the project will help them become better farmers.
The global forest products industry is slowly recovering from the economic crisis, with the Asia-Pacific region and particularly China taking the lead. New data published by FAO indicate that on average global production of the main forest products grew by 1 to 4 percent in 2011 compared to 2010.
FAO and the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) group of states are to become strategic partners in the fight against hunger and poverty and for the sustainable management of natural resources in the 79-member bloc of countries. Director-General José Graziano da Silva said the agreement will help better address the Group's challenges.
Neglected crops that are today underutilized by farmers can play an important role addressing the food and agriculture challenges of the future and should be reevaluated, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva said today at the start of an international seminar taking place in Cordoba, Spain.
FAO’s governing Council ended its week-long meeting by endorsing a change in the Organization’s first global goal from merely reducing hunger to its eradication.
"Investing in food security in the Sahel is an investment in a peaceful and more stable future," says FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva. "There is a clear linkage between hunger and conflict; food security and peace in Africa. So we cannot treat food security as being separate from security and development as a whole."
Making more and better investments in agriculture is one of the most effective ways to reduce hunger and poverty while safeguarding the environment. This is the key message of FAO´s flagship annual report, The State of Food and Agriculture 2012 (SOFA) presented today in Rome.
Addressing the opening session of the governing Council, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva thanked Members for their ongoing support to transformational changes in FAO, which allow the Organization to move forward with renewed focus and purpose.
FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva met with groups representing more than five-thousand private sector companies, saying the private sector’s skills, knowledge and resources would be crucial in the fight against hunger and poverty. The head of FAO encouraged participants to join the partnership that FAO, the African Union Commission and the Lula Institute launched last week in Ethiopia.