One Country One Priority Product (OCOP)


Lebanon Hosts National Stakeholder Validation Workshop to Strengthen Chickpea Value Chain

National stakeholder validation workshop on the upgrading of Lebanon’s chickpea value chain.

©FAO/Ralph Azar


Beirut, Lebanon - The Ministry of Agriculture, in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), organized a national stakeholder validation workshop on the upgrading of Lebanon’s chickpea value chain. His Excellency, the Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Abbas Al Hajj Hassan, and the FAO Representative in Lebanon, Ms. Nora Ourabah Haddad, and representatives from various stakeholders attended the event.

The workshop aimed to present the results of the value chain analysis, the upgrading strategy, and the action plan. Additionally, participants engaged in discussions to develop a comprehensive roadmap outlining potential partnerships, resource allocation, and implementation strategies. This workshop falls under the framework of FAO One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) which aims to support countries in greening Special Agricultural Products (SAPs) and their production, storage, processing, and market.

In his speech, the Minister of Agriculture, Government of Lebanon, mentioned that OCOP initiative and this project have undoubtedly achieved its intended purpose and laid the first foundations for the integration and stimulation of crops that carry nutritional and productive value. The chickpea product is an essential product used in the food industry and is the daily Lebanese dish, he said.

H.E. the Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Abbas Al Hajj Hassan addressing the participants. ©FAO/Ralph Azar


FAO Representative in Lebanon, Nora Ourabah Haddad said: the designation of pulses, including chickpeas, among the national priorities to support Lebanese agricultural productivity to contribute to strengthening the national economy - constitutes a turning point to more efficient, comprehensive, sustainable and resilient agricultural and food systems. In addition, chickpeas are an integral part of Lebanon's cultural and nutritional heritage.

The OCOP in the NENA region aims at developing and upgrading the value chains of Special Agriculture Products (SAPs), prioritized by countries, and investing in greening their production, storage, processing, and market. In Lebanon, the project will support the government in enhancing its understanding of the status of the value chain of chickpea and mobilizing investment.

The workshop marks a significant step forward in achieving sustainable agricultural development and food security in Lebanon, showcasing the successful collaboration between the Ministry of Agriculture and FAO.