South-south Cooperation
09 Jun 2021
This document was based on the “Sustainable Schools” model implemented in four pilot schools of the Toledo District in Belize. Both the model implementation and the development of this document were carried out within the framework of “Mesoamerica Hunger Free AMEXCID-FAO” programme (MHF), an initiative jointly led by the Government of Mexico, through the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID), and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Resource Partners
06 May 2021
In 1991, the European Union (EU) became the 161st Member of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), marking an institutional breakthrough: it was the first time that FAO welcomed a Member Organization. The EU–FAO partnership has since been sound and growing, as evidenced by the upward trend of the EU’s voluntary contributions in recent years. This has enabled FAO to work extensively across the globe and in those regions where assistance is most needed.Parliamentary alliances
19 Apr 2021
Parliamentary action is fundamental to securing the right to adequate food for all. Parliamentarians guide and oversee public-sector policies and budget allocations towards transforming food systems that deliver healthy diets for all.The emergence of COVID-19 has shown the weakness in our food systems. Within three months of COVID-19’s arrival, disruptions were seen in all aspects of the food system-production, harvesting, transportation, processing, retailing and consumption – affecting the livelihoods and increasing the risk of pushing millions into a state of food insecurity and poverty.Resource Partners
24 Mar 2021
FAO and Turkey have enjoyed a solid partnership since the country joined the Organization in 1948. The country has benefited from wide-ranging assistance from FAO and other partners, shaped by the FAO Country Programming Framework (CPF). Over the years, Turkey has also become an active resource partner, providing indispensable technical and financial support to the Organization’s activities, particularly within the Central Asian subregion.South-south Cooperation
19 Mar 2021
La publicación reúne una serie de experiencias y buenas prácticas exitosas visitadas en el noviembre de 2019 por un grupo internacional, conformado por representantes de países del Corredor Seco Centroamericano (Honduras, El Salvador y Guatemala), Argentina y Colombia, en la ciudad de Petrolina, Nordeste de Brasil, para el acceso, gestión y uso del agua en la agricultura familiar tales como: captación, aprovechamiento, almacenamiento, usos, gestión y experiencia en cisternas. La misión fue parte de las actividades desarrolladas por el proyecto de cooperación sur-sur trilateral Iniciativa América Latina y Caribe sin Hambre 2025.
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