
Advances in genome sequencing technology and techniques have the potential to change the way we conduct food safety management. With recent developments of the Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) techniques, the costs associated with utilizing the techniques based on genomics is rapidly declining. Some of these key techniques prove significant cross-sector...
The FAO international symposium on “The Role of Agricultural Biotechnologies in Sustainable Food Systems and Nutrition” will take place at FAO Headquarters, Rome on 15-17 February 2016. The international symposium will explore how the application of science and technology, particularly agricultural biotechnologies, can benefit smallholders in developing sustainable food systems...
CFS 42 - Committee on World Food Security
12/10/2015 - 15/10/2015
The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) was set up in 1974 and reformed in 2009 to be the most inclusive intergovernmental forum for stakeholders to work together in ensuring food security and nutrition for all. The Committee reports annually to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations...
Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2)
19/11/2014 - 21/11/2014
The Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) is an inclusive inter-governmental meeting on nutrition jointly organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The conference will convene high-level government officials and stakeholders with the overall goal of improving diets and raising nutrition levels through...
Global South-South Development Expo
17/11/2014 - 21/11/2014
South-South Cooperation
Launched in 2008 by the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation, the Global South-South Development (GSSD) Expo brings together all partners – solution providers, solution seekers, financiers, business leaders, policymakers and educators – to showcase successes, cement initiatives, build partnerships and launch projects to bring tested development solutions to scale....
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