
Resource Partners
15 Mar 2018
FAO to provide technical assistance to Saudi Arabia’s national strategy targeting the pest
Saudi Arabia will provide a new $2 million contribution to support FAO’s global efforts to eradicate Red Palm Weevil one of the world’s most invasive pest species.
Resource Partners
11 Mar 2018
FAO has been recently approved two projects to strengthen community-fisheries in Tonga and Samoa. The aim of the projects is to strengthen the technical capacity for both countries to improve and streamline their community-based fisheries management programmes.
Resource Partners
08 Mar 2018
The fund - which involves US $ 4.3 million from Mexico - was made official today during the FAO Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Resource Partners
07 Mar 2018
Bangkok, Thailand, FAO’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, and representatives from Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), today re-affirmed their close collaboration on technical cooperation work in the region during an annual review of the programme.
Resource Partners
07 Mar 2018
FAO and the Fund for the Development of Indigenous Peoples for Latin America and the Caribbean signed an agreement at FAO's Regional Conference.