
07 Nov 2022
The world continues to face challenges brought on by climate change, and particularly in dry corridor of Central America where water availability, agricultural shifts, ecological disruptions and species extinctions, and infrastructure are at risk from extreme weather events. Against this backdrop, FAO recognizes the need for transformative partnerships with non-state actors, including universities, to develop capacities for a sustainable agrifood systems that deliver safe and nutritious foods for healthy diets for present and future generations, leaving no one behind. In 2016, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Polytechnic University of...
07 Nov 2022
03/11/2022 - Rome -  The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Netherlands' Wageningen University and Research (WUR) discussed communicating and harnessing science in an event during the World Food Forum’s Science and Innovation Forum. FAO and WUR signed a renewed memorandum of understanding (MoU) in December 2021 to strengthen...
04 Nov 2022
The second day of the five-day WFF Flagship event was devoted to innovation, and began with young researchers pitching their projects at the Transformative Research Challenge (TRC) Finals. The TRC event was the culmination of an international open call for innovative research ideas across the categories of Better Production, Better Nutrition, a Better Environment, and a Better Life. Three...
South-south Cooperation
28 Oct 2022
As part of the ‘Addressing the Water-Energy Nexus in Agriculture’ sub-project of the Mexico-CARICOM-FAO Initiative “Cooperation for Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience in the Caribbean” or Resilient Caribbean Initiative in short, FAO together with the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Sustainable Development have begun the process of validating 40 potential water harvesting and water intake (drainage) sites across the twin-islands.
Parliamentary alliances
27 Oct 2022
Parliamentarians gathered to discuss on their action on tackling gender inequality to achieve food security and improved nutrition for all
  In support of the preparation of the forthcoming Global Parliamentary Summit, FAO headquarters, with the support of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), has organized a virtual session with Parliamentarians to encourage the discussion on parliamentary action to tackling gender inequality to achieve food security and improved nutrition for all.