
South-south Cooperation
11 Nov 2019
Brasília, 11 de noviembre del 2019 - El semiárido del nordeste brasileño y el Corredor-Seco Centroamericano se encuentran entre las regiones más secas del planeta y tienen muchas características en común. Para promover el intercambio de experiencias entre Brasil y América Central, el Programa de Cooperación Internacional Brasil-FAO llevará a las delegaciones de Guatemala, El Salvador y Honduras a la ciudad de Petrolina, Pernambuco (nordeste de Brasil), del 19 al 26 de noviembre, para una misión técnica.
Parliamentary alliances
07 Nov 2019
Rabat - One year on from the first Global Parliamentary Summit Against Hunger and Malnutrition, parliamentarians from around the world gathered in Morocco for an international seminar on Parliaments and Food Security Challenges. The event, held over three days in the capital of Rabat, was organized by the Association of Senates, Shoora and Equivalent Councils in Africa and the Arab World (ASSECAA) in partnership with FAO, and hosted by the House of Councilors of the Kingdom of Morocco. The seminar drew participants from a range of government institutions and parliamentary bodies across Africa, the Near East, Latin America...
06 Nov 2019
FAO stresses the need to explore new ways to make technologies and innovation affordable and accessible to all
Rome - It is fundamental to support smallholder and family farmers by enhancing their access to innovation for sustainable food systems and to foster sustainable development, FAO Director-General Qu Dongyu said today. He made the remarks during a discussion on Enhancing access to innovation in agriculture to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at FAO headquarters in Rome. "Innovation in agriculture is a way to enhance...
Resource Partners
05 Nov 2019
An innovative partnership for global challenges
The latest FAO + Switzerland partnership report shows the catalytic achievements and innovative solutions of FAO’s collaboration with one of our strongest partners.
Resource Partners
24 Oct 2019
Second annual report stresses the need for continued investments and partnerships to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and deliver a resounding impact on the ground
The second edition of FAO’s resource mobilization annual report, Resources, Partnerships, Impact – 2019, seeks to communicate, in a transparent and accountable way, who FAO is, what we do, and how we work with diverse United Nations and other partners to achieve...