
Parliament Action #2 | Advancing gender equality in the context of family farming

Parliamentary alliances

This virtual event addressed the role of rural women in contributing to sustainable agriculture and food systems during the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme - Trade and Food Safety Standards

Resource Partners

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global trade,
is unprecedented in modern times. 
It is affecting all aspects of food and agriculture supply chains, 
creating immediate and long-term risks for food availability and access. 

COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme - Boosting Smallholder Resilience for Recovery

Resource Partners

Beyond the COVID-19 pandemic’s toll on human health and everyday life, 
containment measures to prevent the virus from spreading...
are resulting in increased poverty, 
destroying livelihoods and increasing food insecurity.

prioritizes [...]

COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme - Preventing the Next Zoonotic Pandemic

Resource Partners

Beyond the COVID-19 pandemic’s toll on human health and everyday life, 
containment measures to prevent the virus from spreading...
are resulting in increased poverty, 
destroying livelihoods and increasing food insecurity.

prioritizes [...]

COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme - Transforming Food Systems

Resource Partners

Global recovery from the pandemic…
must spark new and better ways of achieving our joint goals. 
includes actions to build back better should catalyze a…
food systems transformation.

Only together can we…

Innovate for more efficient, inclusive and resilient food supply chains [...]

COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme - Humanitarian Response

Resource Partners

The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the greatest global shocks in generations. 
Livelihoods have been disrupted, while poverty and hunger are rising…
and the full impacts of the pandemic have yet to be seen… 

FAO’s COVID-19 [...]

COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme - Data, Information and Analysis

Resource Partners

Timely and reliable information and analysis is essential... 
 to anticipate and mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

includes providing real-time...
Data For Decision Making

We equip countries with data [...]

Parliament Action #1 | Parliamentarians' Action for Gender Equality and Food Security

Parliamentary alliances

During this webinar, parliamentarians from Africa, Europe, Latin America, and the Caribbean adopted a call for action in response to the impacts of Covid-19 on gender equality, food secutiry and nutrition.

Preventing a health crisis from becoming a food crisis learning from the COVID19 pandemic experience


FAO Academia Perspective Roundtable (webinar), held on 1 July 2020, brought partners from academic and research institutions, Member representatives, and FAO staff to engage in an open dialogue to better understand opportunities for leveraging partnerships to help prevent a health crisis from turning into a food crisis, [...]

FAO + Australia: Promoting prosperity. Reducing poverty. Enhancing stability.

Resource Partners

We are working together to achieve… Food safety and security, Global stability and peace, Sustainable use of natural resources, A more inclusive and resilient Pacific, …and global health.

Joint FAO + Australia initiatives have helped…

  1. Increase smallholders’ access to markets
  2. Improve productivity and reduce poverty
  3. Build resilience to shocks and crises
  4. Enhance women’s participation in [...]