Pastoralist Knowledge Hub

Tawaangal Pastoralisme

Region: West and Central Africa
Country: France
Address: Maison des associations de Versailles, 2a INSTEAD of Touraine, 78000 Versailles
Phone number: +33 632490295
Email address: adhesions

Organization profile

Type of Organization: International civil society organization
Number of members: 5
Year of establish: 2014
Objective: L’objectif de l’association est la promotion de l’élevage mobile sahélo saharien pour lutter contre l’insécurité alimentaire et la pauvreté. L’association Tawaangal Pastoralisme agit au niveau national et international.

Areas of work

Vocational training
Communication and outreach
Emergency relief
Culture and traditions

Secondary informations

Communities covered: Wodaabe, Tuareg

First contact person

First name: Ghislaine
Family name: Diallo
Position: President

Second contact person

First name: Habib
Family name: Yahaya
Position: Project Responsible
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