Pesticide Registration Toolkit

Terms and definitions I

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Immune response:

Selective reaction of the body to substances that are foreign to it, or that the immune system identifies as foreign, shown by the production of antibodies and antibody-bearing cells or by a cell-mediated hypersensitivity reaction. [Source: IUPAC]


Harmful to the immune system. [Source: IUPAC]

Impurity (biological):

A biological entity or parts thereof (other than components which may be considered as chemical contaminants) arising from manufacture of an active ingredient derived from a biological source. [Source: JMPS]

Impurity (chemical):

A by-product arising from manufacture of the active ingredient or derived from the active ingredient during formulation or storage. [Source: JMPS]

Inert ingredient:

Any intentionally added ingredient of a mixture that does not contribute to the desired biological effect. This definition does not include impurities and does not imply that the inert ingredient has no biological effects. [Source: IUPAC]


Process of taking food and drink into the body by mouth. [Source: IUPAC]


Act of drawing in of air, vapor, or gas and any suspended particulates into the lung. [Source: IUPAC]

Integrated Pest Management (IPM):

Careful consideration of all available pest control techniques and subsequent integration of appropriate measures that discourage the development of pest populations and keep pesticides and other interventions to levels that are economically justified and reduce or minimize risks to human and animal health and/or the environment. IPM emphasizes the growth of a healthy crop with the least possible disruption to agro-ecosystems and encourages natural pest control mechanisms. [Source: International Code of Conduct]

Integrated Vector Management (IVM):

Rational decision-making process for the optimal use of resources for disease vector control. It aims to improve efficacy, cost-effectiveness, ecological soundness and sustainability of disease vector control interventions for control of vector-borne diseases. [Source: International Code of Conduct]

International estimated daily intake (IEDI):

Prediction of the long-term daily intake of a pesticide residue on the basis of the assumptions of average daily food consumption per person and median residues from supervised trials, allowing for residues in the edible portion of a commodity and including residue components defined by the JMPR for estimation of dietary intake. Changes in residue levels resulting from preparation, cooking, or commercial processing are included. When information is available, dietary intake of residues resulting from other sources should be included. The IEDI is expressed in milligrams of residue per person. [Source: JMPR]

International estimated short-term intake (IESTI):

Prediction of the short-term intake of a pesticide residue on the basis of the assumptions of high daily food consumption per person and highest residues from supervised trials, allowing for residues in the edible portion of a commodity and including residue components defined by the JMPR for estimation of dietary intake. The IESTI is expressed in milligrams of residue per kg body weight. [Source: JMPR]

In vitro:

In glass, referring to a study in the laboratory usually involving isolated organ, tissue, cell, or biochemical systems. [Source: IUPAC]

In vivo:

In the living body, referring to a study performed on a living organism. [Source: IUPAC]