International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture


Five countries protecting and preserving food biodiversity for resilient agri-food systems Humans rely on a shockingly low number of plants for the majority of our daily calories. In fact, of the thousands of fruit and vegetable species cultivated for...
Video messages from International Treaty Stakeholders 20 May 2021, Rome, Italy –The Secretariat of the
Unique Collection of Best Practices from Around the World   Rome, Italy, 4 May 2021 – The International Treaty has launched...
Old and diverse crop varieties are packed full of nutrients and adapted to local environmental conditions. But since the 1900s, some 75% of plant genetic diversity has been lost with big implications for food security.   Read the article
Collected under Project Funded by International Treaty Svalbard, Norway, March 2021 – Two hundred of the 324 types of rice varieties deposited in the Svalbard Global Seed Vault last month were collected as...

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