International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture


The Global Consultation Conference on Famers’ Rights, held 23–25 November in Addis Ababa brought together 51 participants from 30 countries to look at issues of critical importance in recognizing and rewarding farmers for their roles as the stewards and innovators...
Stories have been harvested from the first cycle of Treaty Benefit-sharing Fund projects and are presented in a series of fact sheets now available online at the Treaty Web site. The 11 grants were announced at GB3 and the two-year...
The Peruvian Benefit-sharing Fund Project, set high in the Andes, comes to life through a video produced by the Secretariat that has been posted online. The video, in Spanish and English, introduces the Peruvian farmers and their fascinating array of...
In response to ongoing calls to help countries improve their ability to increase the visibility of the Treaty and its important role, the Secretariat has begun the development of a Media Resource Kit. Initially, it will contain examples of successful...
A series of educational modules to introduce the Treaty to specific stakeholder groups is being prepared under the coordination of the Secretariat. The first module was presented and officially launched during a side event at GB4. The modules are being developed...

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