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Issue paper


Why land rights matter. Tenure rights for secure access to natural resources

Why land rights matter: Tenure is essential to the livelihoods of billions of people where access to land and natural resources can mean the difference between having food and going hungry. People with weak, insecure tenure rights risk losing their means to self-support without access to land, fisheries and forests. When women have weaker tenure rights caused by discrimination in laws and customs, tenure rights can help promote, support and document fair and transparent processes aimed at ensuring improved access to natural resources for all concerned.

Issue paper


The European Parliamentary Alliance against Hunger and Malnutrition

Parliamentarians can significantly contribute to achieving the right to food at a global, national and local scale, as they play a key role in setting up the enabling legal and institutional frameworks, in allocating appropriate budgets and in monitoring government action on Food and Nutrition Security.The European Parliamentary Alliance against Hunger and Malnutrition, established in 2016, has been and will continue to be instrumental in connecting Members of the European Parliament and in enabling them to engage actively in the fight against hunger and malnutrition. The Alliance provides a platform for policy dialogue and awareness-raising on the right to adequate [...]



Systémes agroalimentaires nationaux et la covid-19 en Côte D’Ivoire. Effets, réponses politiques et implications à long terme

Ce rapport décrit: (i) les mesures politiques adoptées par le Gouvernement pour contenir la propagation de la covid-19; (ii) les politiques et mesures visant à stabiliser le fonctionnement des systèmes agroalimentaires; (iii) les effets potentiels des politiques sur les systèmes agroalimentaires et les groupes vulnérables. Enfin, ce profil évalue également les options à long terme pour les politiques et les investissements dans les systèmes agroalimentaires en Côte D'Ivoire afin de les rendre plus résistants. Find here more COVID-19-related resources

Training & e-learning


E-learning modules on nutrition-sensitive agriculture and food systems

This series of e-learning courses assists professionals from all food and agriculture fields in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of nutrition-sensitive programmes, policies and investments. The courses use a scenario-based and experiential learning approach and cover all forms of malnutrition and a diversity of contexts.



Systèmes agroalimentaires nationaux et la covid-19 au Tchad. Effets, réponses politiques et implications à long terme

Ce rapport decrive: (i) les mesures politiques adoptées par le Gouvernement du Tchad pour contenir la propagation de la covid-19; (ii) les politiques et mesures visant à stabiliser le fonctionnement des systèmes agroalimentaires; (iii) les effets potentiels des politiques sur les systèmes agroalimentaires et les groupes vulnérables. Enfin, ce profil évalue également les options à long terme pour les politiques et les investissements dans les systèmes agroalimentaires au Tchad afin de les rendre plus résistants. See more COVID19-related publications here



National agrifood systems and COVID-19 in Pakistan. Effects, policy responses, and long-term implications

This report describes: (i) policy measures enacted by the Government of Pakistan to contain the spread of the virus; (ii) policies and measures to stabilize the functioning of agri-food systems; (iii) potential effects of policies on agri-food systems and vulnerable groups. Finally, the profile also assesses longer-term options for agri-food system policies and investments in Pakistan so as to make them more resilient. See more COVID19-related briefs here



National agrifood systems and COVID-19 in Palestine. Effects, policy responses, and long-term implications

This report describes: (i) policy measures enacted by the Government to contain the spread of the virus; (ii) policies and measures to stabilize the functioning of agri-food systems; (iii) potential effects of policies on agri-food systems and vulnerable groups. Finally, the profile also assesses longer-term options for agri-food system policies and investments so as to make them more resilient. See more COVID-19 related resources here.

Issue paper


Social assistance and productive support policies implementation in rural areas. Are social protection policies designed to reach the rural poor?

Many studies have provided global and regional overviews of the state of social protection policies and their importance to poverty reduction, food security and nutrition. However, little is known about how such policies are designed and implemented in rural areas, or how they complement and link to agricultural support programmes, which may cover the same geographical areas and reach similar types of beneficiaries. Both social protection and agricultural policies are needed for poverty reduction in poor rural populations. Yet coordination between the two sectors is generally limited and, until recently, little attention has been paid to their complementarities and how these [...]

Data and statistics


World Food and Agriculture - Statistical Yearbook 2020

This publication offers a synthesis of the major factors at play in the global food and agricultural landscape. Statistics are presented in four thematic chapters, covering the economic importance of agricultural activities, inputs, outputs and factors of production, their implications for food security and nutrition and their impacts on the environment. The Yearbook is meant to constitute a primary tool for policy makers, researchers and analysts, as well as the general public interested in the past, present and future path of food and agriculture. See here the Statistical Pockebook



Making a difference for food security and nutrition: FAO and the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) instruments for sustainable small-scale fisheries food systems

This is the first in a series of briefs drawing attention to the mutually reinforcing nature of four global normative instruments developed through CFS and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable SmallScale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines). Their synergistic implementation can make a difference in enabling small-scale fisheries to contribute to sustainable food systems by providing highly nutritious food for local communities, and it can make a difference for consumers in national, regional and international markets. The four CFS instruments with direct links to the SSF [...]