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Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture for food security and nutrition. A report by The High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition

Fish plays a key role for food security. It is a primary source of protein and essential nutrients. Fisheries, aquaculture and related activities provide income and livelihoods for numerous communities across the world, including small-scale fisheries. The growing demand for fish questions the sustainability of marine fisheries and aquaculture, now a fundamental supplier of fish. The report considers the environmental, social and economic challenges faced by all actors towards a sustainable supply of fish, sustainable livelihoods of fish-dependent communities and an equitable access to fish for the good nutrition of all populations worldwide. It presents policy-oriented analysis and recommendations addressed [...]

Issue paper


Nutrition and Resilience. Strengthening the links between Resilience and Nutrition in Food and Agriculture

This paper is an attempt to bring together the thinking on nutrition and resilience from a food and agriculture perspective and to discuss the linkages between the two agendas from a conceptual, strategic and operational perspective. The paper argues that good nutrition is both an essential “input” for resilience and an outcome of resilience. It highlights key areas of convergence between the two concepts as well as opportunities to enhance the nutritional impact of resilience building programming in the context of the food and agriculture sector. Building on the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization’s resilience strategy, this paper then [...]



The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources

The publication was prepared based on information provided by 86 countries, outcomes from regional and subregional consultations and commissioned thematic studies. It includes: an overview of definitions and concepts related to Forest Genetic Resources (FGR) and a review of their value; a description of the main drivers of changes; the presentation of key emerging technologies; an analysis of the current status of FGR conservation, use and related developments; recommendations addressing the challenges and needs. By the FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.

Issue paper


Value Chain Dynamics and the Small-Scale Sector. Policy Recommendations for Small-Scale Fisheries and Aquaculture Trade

This technical paper focuses primarily on price transmissions in small-scale and large-scale fishery and aquaculture value chains in 14 developed and developing countries. Although the study is focused on the small-scale sector, both the small-scale and large-scale sectors were analysed in order to demonstrate differences between the two. The document begins with an overview of the entire project and its global implications, reviewing the importance of fisheries and aquaculture to livelihoods, food security and trade as well as the rationale for value chain analysis. It then presents detailed and summarized country-specific information on the research and analysis conducted, presenting analysis [...]



Principios para la inversión responsable en la agricultura y los sistemas alimentarios

Para erradicar el hambre será necesario aumentar significativamente las inversiones agrícolas y, lo que es más importante, deberá mejorarse la calidad de las inversiones de manera que beneficien a quienes más lo necesitan. En los Principios del CSA para la inversión responsable en la agricultura y los sistemas alimentarios (los Principios del CSA) se reconoce que el punto de partida para definir el modo en que la inversión responsable en la agricultura y los sistemas alimentarios puede contribuir a la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición es el reconocimiento y el respeto de los derechos humanos. Constituyen un conjunto de 10 principios [...]

Case study


Review of Food and Agricultural Policies in Malawi. Country Report 2014

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and its national, regional and international partners are committed to monitoring and analysingfood and agricultural policies (MAFAP) in order to provide policy-makers in developing countries, as well as their development partners and other stakeholders in civil society, with the best possible information on the effects of policies and public expenditure influencing agricultural investment decisions and ultimately foodsecurity. Furthermore, MAFAP supports governments in their efforts to identify, articulate and assess options for reforming food and agriculture policies. MAFAPworks with national and regional partners to: establish a community of practice on policy [...]

Issue paper


The Challenges of Managing Agricultural Price and Production Risks in Sub-Saharan Africa

Agricultural production is prone to several risks which affect both producers and consumers. In order to enhance investment and achieve a sustained increase in production, coherent and integrated long-term strategies and policies are required to reduce risk aversion and build resilience among African rural producers. Furthermore, the critical importance of social protection and its complementarity to risk management initiatives must be recognised. This paper investigates possible tools and instruments to deal with various production and price risks. Market-based approaches are crucial for risk management options to thrive, but the country experiences examined have highlighted that most of the risk management instruments [...]



El estado mundial de la agricultura y la alimentación, 2014: Innovación en la agricultura familiar

Más de 500 millones de explotaciones familiares gestionan la mayor parte de las tierras agrícolas y producen la mayor parte de los alimentos del mundo. Las explotaciones familiares son necesarias para garantizar la seguridad alimentaria mundial, cuidar y proteger el entorno natural y terminar con la pobreza, la subalimentación y la malnutrición. Pero estos objetivos solo pueden alcanzarse si las explotaciones familiares llegan a ser mucho más productivas y sostenibles; en otras palabras, necesitan innovar en un sistema que reconozca su diversidad y la complejidad de los desafíos ante los que se encuentran. El estado mundial de la agricultura y la [...]



Making Economic Corridors Work for the Agricultural Sector

Developing countries are increasingly using agrocorridors to develop their agricultural sectors. These corridors promote inclusive agribusiness growth, building on a linear agglomeration of people and activities along existing transportation infrastructure. Based on initiatives in Central Asia, the Greater Mekong Subregion, Indonesia, Mozambique, Peru and the United Republic of Tanzania, this report shows how agrocorridors help improve physical connectivity and functioning of markets, while generating economies of scale in agriculture. Agrocorridors do this because they integrate public and private investments in “hardware” (transport and agribusiness infrastructure), “software” (policy and regulatory framework) and “orgware” (institutional strengthening and capacity building). The goal of [...]



Political Economy Analysis. Topic Guide

GSDRC Topic Guides aim to provide a clear, concise and objective report on findings from rigorous research on critical areas of development policy. Rather than provide policy guidance or recommendations, their purpose is to inform policymakers and practitioners of the key debates and evidence on the topic of focus, to support informed decision-making. This topic guide provides pointers to some of the key literature on political economy analysis and evidence of its impact on aid effectiveness in different contexts. It includes examples of analyses at country, sector and programme level.