Portal de apoyo a las políticas y la gobernanza

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Marco de gestión ambiental y social

El objetivo del Marco de Gestión Ambiental y Social (MGAS) consiste en reforzar la aplicación del enfoque basado en los derechos humanos y otros principios rectores del Marco de Cooperación en la programación de la FAO. La finalidad es garantizar que las personas y el medio ambiente estén protegidos de cualquier posible efecto adverso de los programas y proyectos de la FAO. También se pretende garantizar que todas las partes interesadas tengan numerosas oportunidades de participar activamente en las actividades de estos programas y proyectos, y puedan acceder a canales eficaces para expresar sus preocupaciones al respecto. El MGAS introduce [...]



Sustainable agrifood systems in the Mediterranean - Levers for transformation

This interactive tool compiles expert knowledge about a series of catalytic levers for agrifood systems transformation, while telling inspiring stories from the ground about the people striving to transform the region’s agrifood systems through multistakeholder collaboration and innovative ideas. Most of the information was collected through a series of technical webinars curated by the SFS-MED Platform between 2022 and 2023.



Guidelines for action on food loss and waste reduction in the Near East and North Africa - Brief for policymakers

This policy brief is a summary to the Guidelines for action on food loss and waste reduction in the Near East and North Africa, which aims at providing support to Member Countries to implement the Voluntary Code of Conduct for Food Loss and Waste Reduction, an international instrument designed to guide FLW policymaking and interventions at global level. These regionally tailored Guidelines offer a basis for developing national strategies, policies, and legislation enabling food loss and waste reduction in line with national agrifood system objectives of NENA countries. The actions and principles put forward herein have the goal of accelerating [...]



Guidelines for action on food loss and waste reduction in the Near East and North Africa

The Guidelines for action on food loss and waste reduction in the Near East and North Africa provide support to Member Countries to implement the Voluntary Code of Conduct for Food Loss and Waste Reduction, an international instrument designed to guide FLW policymaking and interventions at global level. These regionally-tailored Guidelines offer a basis for developing national strategies, policies, and legislation enabling food loss and waste reduction in line with national agrifood system objectives of NENA countries. The actions and principles put forward herein have the ultimate goal of accelerating the region’s transition to sustainable and resilient agrifood systems. Check out [...]

Case study


Lessons learned from the introduction of land consolidation in North Macedonia during 2014–2023

Since 2014, North Macedonia has developed into the flagship country for FAO support to land consolidation in Europe and Central Asia. The first small technical assistance project began in 2014. During 2017–2022, support to the national land consolidation programme was scaled up with European Union IPA funding through the FAO-implemented MAINLAND project. In August 2022, a second EU IPA-funded and FAO-implemented project “Enhancing land consolidation in North Macedonia” was launched and will continue until 2026 in close collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy. From the beginning, the Government of North Macedonia’s vision has been to build [...]



Legal frameworks for sustainable school feeding

The publication, developed within the framework of the school feeding project of the Brazil-FAO International Cooperation Program, aims to share some experiences and the development of the process of elaboration and implementation of legal and regulatory frameworks on school feeding, and to identify some fundamental elements for its development. It is aimed at parliamentarians, policymakers, actors in the school community and those people and professionals who have the interest, will and intention to develop a Bill in favour of school feeding. The publication indicates paths, advances and challenges faced by the various nations of Latin America and the Caribbean for the [...]



Applying responsible land-based investment models in forestry

Global instruments such as the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT) and the Principles on Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (CFS-RAI) endorsed by the Committee for World Food Security (CFS) provide critical guidance on responsible investments in land and forests to address global challenges of food insecurity, poverty, and inequality while supporting sustainable management of natural resources. Applying these global instruments to the assessment of concrete cases can help to identify better practice models for implementation. This document presents a review of selected [...]



Les eaux non conventionnelles pour le développement agricole dans les pays de l’Afrique du Nord. Vers le déblocage du potentiel des eaux usées traitées et des eaux de drainage agricole

En se basant sur un des messages clés de La situation mondiale de l’alimentation et de l’agriculture (SOFA) 2020 - «Investir dans les sources d’eau non conventionnelles, notamment la réutilisation de l’eau ou le dessalement, est une stratégie de plus en plus importante face à la rareté de l’eau» - le bureau sous-régional de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture pour l’Afrique du Nord (FAO-SNE) et l’Union du Maghreb arabe (UMA) continuent à améliorer les connaissances et les compétences sur la réutilisation saine et durable des eaux non conventionnelles. Ils fournissent aux pays du Maghreb des informations et [...]



El foco en la gobernanza para un apoyo normativo y técnico más efectivo

Este es el Folleto Marco de la FAO: El foco en la gobernanza para un apoyo normativo y técnico más efectivo https://www.fao.org/3/cc0240es/cc0240es.pdf Quedan ocho años para alcanzar los ODS. Urge transformar los sistemas agroalimentarios para conseguir sostenibilidad, resiliencia, seguridad alimentaria y nutrición en un mundo que ha dejado atrás la COVID. Esta transformación solo se puede lograr reforzando y aprovechando los conocimientos, la experiencia, las aptitudes y las capacidades de acción colectiva de una gran diversidad de agentes del sector público y del privado. Cada uno de ellos tiene intereses, necesidades, recursos, influencias y capacidades característicos. Gobernanza es el nombre que [...]

Training & e-learning


A learning framework for inclusive, integrated and innovative public policy cycles for family farming

Public policies for family farming – when done appropriately – provide a perfect match between different policy areas related to productive, economic, social, environmental and cultural dimensions of sustainable food systems. The Learning framework for inclusive, integrated and innovative public policy cycles for family farming was developed under the framework of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming (2019–2028) to support policymakers, family farmers’ organizations and other relevant stakeholders to increase their understanding of public policy cycles and family farming related policies. This technical and methodological capacity development programme is adaptable to local, national or regional priorities. It offers a [...]