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The impact of COVID-19 on fisheries and aquaculture - A global assessment from the perspective of regional fishery bodies. Second assessment – November 2020

This assessment, undertaken in November 2020, is a follow-up to the initial assessment undertaken in April 2020, and used the same methodology. This present paper provides a summary of responses to questionnaires circulated to regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) and regional fisheries advisory bodies (RFABs) to determine the impacts of restrictions imposed by COVID-19, upon the management, production and supply of fisheries products from capture fisheries and aquaculture. Comparisons are made between the responses given in April 2020 in the early phase of the pandemic, and those given in November 2020, some seven months later. The objective is to provide a global overview of the impacts of COVID-19 from the perspective of the secretariats of regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) and regional fisheries advisory bodies (RFABs), and collate examples of good practices and suggestions to guide development of mitigation measures.

See the full list of policy briefs related to COVID-19.
