FAO´s Right to Food Guidelines, a powerful policy tool to end hunger and achieve the SDGs.
Food is a human right. Yet hundreds of millions are still going to bed hungry. FAO´s Right to Food Guidelines recommend how to take action, so that everyone has access to sufficient, safe, nutritious and affordable food every day. The Guidelines are a powerful policy tool to end hunger and malnutrition in all its forms.
Many countries are taking steps in line with these guidelines. Some are examples are:
In 45 countries, the right to food is recognized by their Constitutions.
In Indonesia, indigenous peoples´access to natural resources and their ancestral forets is legally guaranteed.
In Sierra Leone, rural communities took part in the resoulution of disputes affecting their owned land.
130 countries have shool feeding programmes. In many countries like the Dominican Republic, Brazil and Guatemala, local food producers supply school.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, most countries gave money to vulnerable families to ensure their access to food.
Only when everyone enjoys the human right to adequate food, will we be on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Since the adoption of the Right to Food Guidelines in 2004, stakeholders, and particularly States, have made great strides in developing, adopting, implementing and monitoring actions and processes geared towards the realization of the right to adequate food.