8th TAP Partners Assembly, Side Event: TAP-AIS project: assessing capacity needs of key national organizations

Side event organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and national partners of the TAP-AIS project
THURSDAY 25 NOVEMBER 2021 | 14:00-15:30 CET
Register here
The EU-supported TAP-AIS project, which is scaling up the TAP Common Framework at both national and regional levels is operational since August 2019. Two years on, FAO has conducted assessments of Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS) in Burkina Faso, Eritrea, Malawi, Rwanda and Senegal in Africa; Laos and Cambodia in Asia-Pacific and Colombia in Latin America. The capacity needs assessments of organizations are gradually being rolled out and action plans developed for some countries.
TAP-AIS project aims at strengthening national capacities for innovation by promoting and scaling the TAP Common Framework on CD for AIS. This event is contributing directly to the current TAP Action Plan by showcasing national experiences on strengthening AIS, including assessments and capacity development.
At this point, it is important for the country teams to share findings and learning throughout the capacity development phase, and to exchange views with TAP members to explore opportunities for in-country collaborations, synergies with other DeSIRA projects and additional support from TAP members on specific challenges. Therefore, this side event will be an opportunity to share information, updates, experiences and needs that could benefit other country teams and the global project in general.
The side event has the following specific objectives:
- To facilitate mutual learning and networking across country teams
- To raise awareness of TAP Partners about country-level activities and
- To explore opportunities for TAP Partners to support country-level activities
14:00-14:05 CET
Welcoming & Opening Remarks | FAO, Rome
14:05-14:15 CET
Overall presentation on TAP-AIS project | FAO Research and Extension Unit, Rome
14:15-14:35 CET
Country presentations on: AIS Assessment; Organizational Capacity Development; Policy Dialogue Process | TAP-AIS country project managers
14:35-15:05 CET
Group discussion (by region) on entry points and challenges for AIS strengthening | TAP-AIS country project managers
15:05-15:25 CET
Plenary discussion: engaging TAP partners to address country needs for strengthening AIS
15:25-15:30 CET
Way forward and closing | FAO, Rome