FAO emergencies and resilience

Statement by Principals of IASC: No time to lose as famine stalks millions in Sudan amid intense fighting and access denials

Time is running out for millions of people in Sudan who are at imminent risk of famine, displaced from their lands, living under bombardments, and cut...

Sudan: Cereal production down by over 40 percent, likely exacerbating hunger

Director of the FAO Office of Emergencies and Resilience, Rein Paulsen, evaluates the food security situation on the ground and urges continued global support


In 2022, West Africa experienced some of the worst flooding on record. Millions lost their homes. Thousands lost their lives. The heavy rainfall destroyed crops on close to three million hectares of farmland and killed more than one million head of livestock in six countries alone.


In Ahangaran village of Bamiyan, water is vital for farmers. Traditional irrigation systems caused a severe water crisis. FAO rehabilitated 2,500 metres of irrigation canals, improving water supply for agriculture, households, and livestock.

In focus
Forced displacement

The increasingly protracted nature of forced displacement calls for sustainable and durable solutions.

In focus
Sustaining peace

Conflict is a major driver of food crises, followed by weather extremes and economic shocks.


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations conducted an assessment of household food security and agricultural livelihoods in Ukraine.


In the current edition of a regular joint bi-yearly report, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP)warn that acute food insecurity is likely to deteriorate further in 18 hunger hotspots, including a total of 17 countries or territories and one regional cluster which comprises 4 countries, during the outlook period from June to October 2024


Chad now has the seventh highest number of refugees in the world. This is putting pressure on the limited natural resources of host communities, already struggling to cope with years of armed conflict, socioeconomic challenges and recurrent natural hazards.