El derecho a la alimentación en el mundo

Búsqueda por nivel de reconocimiento constitucional

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Protección explícita del derecho a una alimentación adecuada
Protección implícita del derecho a una alimentación adecuada
Principios rectores de la política estatal
Estatus de las obligaciones internacionales en el ordenamiento nacional
Otras disposiciones relativas a la realización del derecho a una alimentación adecuada
112 países encontrados

República Popular Democrática de Corea

Principios rectores de la política estatal

Article 25: “The DPRK regards the steady improvement of the material and cultural standards of the people as the supreme principle of its activities. The constantly-increasing material wealth of society in our country, where taxes have been abolished, is used entirely for promoting the well-being of the working people. The State shall provide all working people with every condition for obtaining food, clothing and housing.”

Estatus de las obligaciones internacionales en el ordenamiento nacional

Article 15: "The DPRK shall champion the democratic, national rights of Koreans overseas and their rights recognized by the international law."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 8: “The social system of the DPRK is a people-centered system under which the working people are masters of everything, and everything in society serves the working people. The state shall safeguard the interests of, and respect and protect the human rights of the working people.”

Article 15: “The DPRK shall protect the democratic national rights of Korean compatriots overseas and their legitimate rights and interests as recognized by international law.”

República de Corea

Estatus de las obligaciones internacionales en el ordenamiento nacional

Article 6(1): “Treaties duly concluded and promulgated in accordance with the Constitution and the generally recognized rules of international law shall have the same effect as the domestic laws of the Republic of Korea.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 10: “All citizens shall be assured of human dignity and worth and have the right to pursue happiness. It shall be the duty of the State to confirm and guarantee the fundamental and inviolable human rights of individuals.” 

Article 32(3): "Standards of working conditions shall be determined by law in such a way as to guarantee human dignity."

Article 34: 
(1) All citizens shall be entitled to a life worthy of human beings.  
(2) The State shall have the duty to endeavor to promote social security and welfare. 
(3) The State shall endeavor to promote the welfare and rights of women. 
(4) The State shall have the duty to implement policies for enhancing the welfare of senior citizens and the young. 
(5) Citizens who are incapable of earning a livelihood due to a physical disability, disease, old age or other reasons shall be protected by the State under the conditions as prescribed by Act.”

República de Moldova

Protección explícita del derecho a una alimentación adecuada

Article 47:  

(1) The State shall be bound to take actions aimed at ensuring to every person and to his/her family a decent standard of living, health protection and welfare including food, clothing, shelter, medical care, and the necessary social services.”

Estatus de las obligaciones internacionales en el ordenamiento nacional

Article 4: 
(1) Constitutional provisions for human rights and freedoms shall be understood and implemented in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and with other conventions and treaties endorsed by the Republic of Moldova.
(2) Wherever disagreements appear between conventions and treaties signed by the Republic of Moldova and her own national laws, priority shall be given to international regulations.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 37(1): “Every human being has the right to live in an environment that is ecologically safe for life and health, to obtain healthy food products and harmless household appliances.” 


Estatus de las obligaciones internacionales en el ordenamiento nacional

Article 11:
(1) The Romanian State pledges to fulfil as such and in good faith its obligations as deriving from the treaties it is a party to.
(2) Treaties ratified by Parliament, according to the law, are part of national law. 

(3) If a treaty to which Romania is to become a party comprises provisions contrary to the Constitution, its ratification shall only take place after the revision of the Constitution."

Article 20:
(1) Constitutional provisions concerning the citizens' rights and liberties shall be interpreted and enforced in conformity with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with the convenants and other treaties Romania is a party to.
(2) In case of an inconsistency between domestic law and the international obligations resulting from the covenants and treaties on fundamental human rights to which Romania is a party, the international obligations shall take precedence, unless the Constitution or the domestic laws contain more favorable provisions.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 1(3): “Romania is a democratic and social state, governed by the rule of law, in which human dignity, the citizens' rights and freedoms, the free development of human personality, justice and political pluralism represent supreme values, in the spirit of the democratic traditions of the Romanian people and the ideals of the Revolution of December 1989, and shall be guaranteed.”

Article 22 (1): "A person's right to life and to physical and mental well-being are guaranteed."

Article 47: 
(1) The State shall be bound to take measures of economic development and social protection, of a nature to ensure a decent living standard for its citizens. 
(2) Citizens have the right to pensions, paid maternity leave, medical care in public health centres, unemployment benefits, and other forms of public or private social securities, as stipulated by the law. Citizens have the right to social assistance, according to the law.”


Estatus de las obligaciones internacionales en el ordenamiento nacional

Article 95: "The hierarchy of laws is as follows: 1° Constitution; 2° organic law; 3° international treaties and agreements ratified by Rwanda; 4° ordinary law; 5° orders. A law cannot contradict another law that is higher in hierarchy. Organic laws are those designated as such and empowered by this Constitution to regulate other key matters in the place of the Constitution."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 21: "Right to good health. - All Rwandans have the right to good health."

San Marino

Estatus de las obligaciones internacionales en el ordenamiento nacional

Article 1: "The Republic of San Marino receives generally recognised rules of international law as integral part of its constitutional order, to which it shall conform its acts and conduct. It recognises the provisions set forth in the international declarations on human rights and fundamental freedoms. It reasserts the right to political asylum. It rejects war as a means to settle disputes between States and, in its international policy, adheres to the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations. San Marino constitutional order recognises, guarantees and enforces the rights and fundamental freedoms set forth by the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Regularly signed and implemented international agreements on the protection of human rights and freedoms shall prevail over domestic legislation in case of conflict."


Estatus de las obligaciones internacionales en el ordenamiento nacional

Article 98 : « Les traités ou accords régulièrement ratifiés ou approuvés ont, dès leur publication, une autorité supérieure à celle des lois, sous réserve, pour chaque accord ou traité, de son application par l'autre partie. »

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 7: "La personne humaine est sacrée. Elle est inviolable. L’Etat a l’obligation de la respecter et de la protéger. Tout individu a droit à la vie, à la liberté, à la sécurité, au libre développement de sa personnalité, à l’intégrité corporelle notamment à la protection contre toutes mutilations physiques. Le peuple sénégalais reconnaît l’existence des droits de l’homme inviolables et inaliénables comme base de toute communauté humaine, de la paix et de la justice dans le monde. Tous les êtres humains sont égaux devant la loi. Les hommes et les femmes sont égaux en droit. Il n’y a au Sénégal ni sujet, ni privilège de lieu de naissance, de personne ou de famille."

Article 8: "La République du Sénégal garantit à tous les citoyens les libertés individuelles fondamentales, les droits économiques et sociaux ainsi que les droits collectifs. Ces libertés et droits sont notamment: Les libertés civiles et politiques: liberté d’opinion, liberté d’expression, liberté de la presse, liberté d’association, liberté de réunion, liberté de déplacement, liberté de manifestation;  les libertés culturelles; les libertés religieuses; les libertés philosophiques; les libertés syndicales; la liberté d’entreprendre; le droit à l’éducation; le droit de savoir lire et écrire; le droit de propriété;le droit au travail; le droit à la santé; le droit à un environnement sain; le droit à l’information plurielle. Ces libertés et ces droits s’exercent dans les conditions prévues par la loi."

Article 17: "Le mariage et la famille constituent la base naturelle et morale de la communauté humaine. Ils sont placés sous la protection de l’Etat. L’Etat et les collectivités publiques ont le devoir de veiller à la santé physique et morale de la famille et, en particulier des personnes handicapées et des personnes âgées. L’Etat garantit aux familles en général et à celles vivant en milieu rural en particulier l’accès aux services de santé et au bien être. Il garantit également aux femmes en général et à celles vivant en milieu rural en particulier, le droit à l’allègement de leurs conditions de vie."



Estatus de las obligaciones internacionales en el ordenamiento nacional

Article 16.2: “Generally accepted rules of international law and ratified international treaties shall be an integral part of the legal system in the Republic of Serbia and applied directly.”

Article 18: “Human and minority rights guaranteed by the Constitution shall be implemented directly.
The Constitution shall guarantee, and as such, directly implement human and minority rights guaranteed by the generally accepted rules of international law, ratified international treaties and laws. The law may prescribe manner of exercising these rights only if explicitly stipulated in the Constitution or necessary to exercise a specific right owing to its nature, whereby the law may not under any circumstances influence the substance of the relevant guaranteed right.
Provisions on human and minority rights shall be interpreted to the benefit of promoting values of a democratic society, pursuant to valid international standards in human and minority rights, as well as the practice of international institutions which supervise their implementation.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 69: “Citizens and families that require welfare for the purpose of overcoming social and existential difficulties and creating conditions to provide subsistence, shall have the right to social protection the provision of which is based on social justice, humanity and respect of human dignity.


Estatus de las obligaciones internacionales en el ordenamiento nacional

Article 48: "Le présent chapitre s'interprète de façon à ne pas être incompatible avec les obligations internationales des Seychelles en matière de droits et libertés. Les tribunaux appelés à interpréter le présent chapitre prennent connaissance d'office :
a) des actes internationaux qui énoncent ces obligations; b) des rapports et avis des organismes chargés de l'administration et de l'application de ces actes; c) des rapports, décisions ou avis des institutions internationales et régionales chargées de l'administration ou de l'application des conventions en matière de droits et libertés; d) des constitutions des autres Etats ou pays démocratiques et des décisions de leurs tribunaux en matière constitutionnelle."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Preanbule: "[...] à constituer un régime démocratique qui assurera l'avènement d'un ordre social convenable et progressiste qui garantisse à tous les Seychellois et Seychelloises l'alimentation, l'habillement, le logement, l'éducation, les soins de santé et une augmentation constante du niveau de vie [...]"

Article 29(1) : « L'Etat reconnaît le droit de tous les citoyens à la protection de la santé et à la meilleure santé physique et mentale possible. [...]"

Article 35: "L'Etat reconnaît le droit de chaque citoyen au travail et à des conditions de travail justes et favorables, et, afin d'assurer le bon exercice de ces droits, il s'engage :  
d) à prendre et à appliquer des dispositions légales visant la sécurité, la santé et l'équité au travail, y compris des pauses raisonnables, des périodes de loisir, des congés payés, une rémunération qui garantit au moins des conditions de vie décente et dignes pour les travailleurs et leurs familles, un salaire égal et juste pour un travail de valeur égale, sans distinction, et la stabilité de l'emploi;" 

Article 37: « L'Etat reconnaît le droit de chaque citoyen de vivre décemment et dignement, et, en vue d'assurer que ses citoyens ne soient pas abandonnés s'ils deviennent incapables de travailler ou s'ils sont victimes du chômage involontaire. »


Protección explícita del derecho a una alimentación adecuada

Article 27: "Health Care, food, water and social security. - 
(1) Everyone has the right to have access to-
(b) sufficient food and water;
(2) The state must take reasonable legislative and other measures, within its available resources, to achieve the progressive realisation of each of these rights."

Article 28: "Children. - 
(1) Every child has the right-
(c) to basic nutrition, shelter, basic health care services and social services.”

Article 35: "Arrested, detained and accused persons.-
(2) Everyone who is detained, including every sentenced prisoner, has the right-
(e) to conditions of detention that are consistent with human dignity, including at least exercise and the provision, at state expense, of adequate accommodation, nutrition, reading material and medical treatment.”

Estatus de las obligaciones internacionales en el ordenamiento nacional

Article 232: “Customary international law is law in the Republic unless it is inconsistent with the Constitution or an Act of Parliament.”

Article 233: “When interpreting any legislation, every court must prefer any reasonable interpretation of the legislation that is consistent with international law over any alternative interpretation that is inconsistent with international law.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 1: “The Republic of South Africa is one, sovereign, democratic state founded on the following values:
(a) Human dignity, the achievement of equality and the advancement of human rights and freedoms.”

Article 7(2): “The state must respect, protect, promote and fulfil the rights in the Bill of Rights.”