FAO in Rwanda
FAO Rwanda staff

FAO Representative in Rwanda

Coumba Dieng Sow is the Representative and Country Director of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) for Rwanda and Djibouti.

Coumba D. Sow is a strong advocate for African youth and women empowerment in the agriculture sector, raising awareness of the existed realities of you and women farmers in Africa and supporting the removal of barriers for them to access land, inputs, finances, training, technologies, and innovations which would help reducing hunger and increasing revenues and economic growth.

She joined FAO in 2006 as Agricultural Policy Officer working in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. She worked, amongst others, in the implementation of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) of the NEPAD. In 2013, she was appointed, to the Office of the Director-General (ODG), Responsible for the Africa in charge of the liaison with the Social and Economic Department as well as Technical Cooperation.

From 2017 to June 2022, she was FAO Coordinator of the Emergencies and Resilience for West Africa and Sahel, supporting the implementation of the food security and resilience programmes in 18 countries of the Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS) and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) with a strong focus on the Liptako Gourma (Burkina Fas, Mali and Niger) and North East Nigeria. During that period, she launched the FAO programme 1 million cisterns for the Sahel, providing women access to fresh water for household consumption and surplus for kitchen gardening and horticulture production.

Ms. Coumba Dieng Sow, a national of Senegal, studied Political Sciences in Management of Public Policies at Sciences Po Paris, Agroindustries in Montpellier, and is post-graduated in Agricultural Economics from the University of London.

List of FAO Rwanda employees

  • Ms Mehnaz Ajmal Paracha, Senior Advisor – Policy expert
  • Ms Marie Chantal Kamaliza, Senior Finance & HR officer
  • Ms Christine Mukantwali, Food systems and nutrition expert
  • Mr Placide Nshuti Kanyabujinja, Water engineer, Irrigation Expert
  • Ms Josepha Mukamana, Rural Development Specialist
  • Mr Thomas Ameny, FFS expert
  • Ms Marie Claire Muneza, Head of Communications
  • Mr Christian Ngabonziza, Communication Assistant
  • Mr Jean Baptiste Nkurunziza, Multimedia Specialist
  • Mr Christopher Nyachogo Malenya, Operations Specialist
  • Ms Affissa Musabyimana, M&E expert
  • Mr Damien Shumbusha, Plant breeding & seeds system expert
  • Ms Rosine Mizero, Climate resilience expert 
  • Mr Richard Niyomugabo, Biodiversity expert
  • Mr Jean Paul Mushayija, Epidemiologist & One Health expert
  • Mr Lambert Ntagwabira, Digital agriculture and Innovation Specialist
  • Mr Augustin Nzamwitakuze, National Irrigation Specialist
  • Mr Eric Nsabimana, National GIS Specialist
  • Mr Vincent BOULARDOT, Digital Agriculture Expert
  • Mr Didier Nkubito, National Nutrition Specialist
  • Ms Grace Irakiza, National Specialist on Food Safety Systems and One Health
  • Mr Emmanuel Byiringiro, IT Consultant
  • Ms Mediatrice Dusabe, procurement officer
  • Ms Beline Ingabire, Procurement Assistant
  • Ms Yvette Rudasingwa, Administration and logistics officer
  • Ms Gloriose Hakizimana, Administration in charge of travel
  • Ms Ines Kayitesi, Administration Assistant - HR
  • Mr Evergiste Rugambaje, Driver
  • Mr Felicien Twagiramungu Driver
  • Mr Dieudonné Mukunzi, Driver
  • Mr Egide Rutagarama, Driver