SAVE FOOD: Initiative mondiale de réduction des pertes et du gaspillage alimentaires

Capacity Building for Food Loss Reduction in the Near East

The four participating countries in this project are Egypt, Iran, Jordan, and Lebanon.

This project will contribute to improve food security of the four participating countries by improving capability to reduce inefficiencies in the value chain, thereby reducing food losses, increasing options for marketing and increasing incomes for growers, handlers, processors, distributors and marketers.

The immediate objective of the project is to implement a large scale educational training program (including assessments and workshops) in order to strengthen national capacity of local leaders of producer associations, food industry managers, and extension personnel in these countries on improved value chain management for food producers, handlers, processors, distributors and marketers. Over a period of 24 months, with the help of FAO's Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP), this project is committed to achieving the following capacity building outcome: food loss prevention curricula and guidelines developed and available, and a series of awareness building workshops on reducing inefficiencies in food value chains for leaders of the food production, distribution and processing sectors, agri-business managers, and extension agents implemented.

The main outputs of the project will be:

  1. Food loss prevention curricula and guidelines developed,
  2. a series of capacity building workshops for at least 96 leaders of producer association, agri-business managers and extension agents in four countries, and
  3. capacity building of further 960 staff with regards to food loss reduction is strengthened and improved.