Towards Equity: Closing the science, technology and innovation gap
Wednesday 16 October
| 16.30 -18.30 (CEST)
Plenary Hall
Delve into initiatives and strategies for a more equitable landscape in science, technology and innovation (STI) across diverse contexts, empowering local actors and communities through inclusive innovation ecosystems. This session addresses key areas such as science-policy-society interface, integrating traditional and Indigenous Peoples knowledge with scientific advancements and addressing hidden biases within multistakeholder STI governance.
It is followed by a launch of foresight report.
QU Dongyu
Director-General, FAO
Beth Crawford
Chief Scientist ai, FAO
Buzrukkhonov Sarvarkhon
Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation, Uzbekistan
Chris Earney
Head of UN Futures Lab, Global Knowledge Hub, UN
Michael Kremer
Director, Development Innovation Lab, University of Chicago
Nobel Prize laureate
Ophelia Nick
Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Germany
Sara-Elvira Kuhmunen
President of the Sámi Youth Association
Thibyan Ibrahim
Chairman, Technology Executive Committee, UNFCCC
Vincent Martin
Director, Office of Innovation, FAO