SIDS Solutions Platform

Ministerial event: Transforming agrifood systems in SIDS, LDCs & LLDCs

(Italy), 29/06/2023


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) will bring together over 30 Ministers and other high-level officials from Small Island Developing States (SIDS), Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) to discuss how harnessing their potential for agrifood systems transformation will help scale up resilience for more sustainable and inclusive development. After opening by FAO DG QU Dongyu, representatives from nearly 60 countries will exchange experiences and good practices and work out effective problem-solving strategies.

9:00-9:30      Opening Session
9:30-10:30    Panel 1 – Addressing climate change
10:30-11:00   Discussion
11:00-12:00   Panel 2 – Building resilience to shocks
12:00-12:30   Discussion
14:00-15:00   Panel 3 – Investments needed to bridge the gap
15:00-15:30   Discussion
15:30-16:30   Panel 4 – Defining a roadmap to accelerate implementation and achievement of the global goals
16:30-17:00   Discussion
17:00-18:00   Closing session