FAO South-South Cooperation Gateway


How to use it

What is the FAO SSC Gateway?

What is the FAO SSC Gateway?

It is an online platform, which provides:

  • information about Southern countries’ expertise and institutions in the realm of food security and agriculture;
  • a starting point through which countries can engage FAO to facilitate SSC;
  • an overview of FAO-facilitated SSC initiatives.

How does a country, institution or project go about engaging an institution or expert showcased?

How does a country, institution or project go about engaging an institution or expert showcased?

Either the institution’s focal point can be contacted directly or FAO engaged to facilitate the contact.

How can institutions participate?

How can institutions participate?

Southern countries interested in showcasing their public institutions and expertise in the areas of agriculture and food security are encouraged to contact  FAO ([email protected]). A limited number of institutions should be proposed by the government to the local FAO Representation. Initially, FAO aims to showcase public institutions. More information on how to engage can be found here.

Does signing up to the SSC Gateway imply any financial commitment from the government or the institutions?

Does signing up to the SSC Gateway imply any financial commitment from the government or the institutions?

No, the Gateway is a service offered by FAO to member countries and participation does not imply any financial commitment. It is purely an information platform.

For any collaboration that results between countries and institutions through connections made via the SSC Gateway, financing will have to be sought. Collaboration may occur on a bilateral basis, or through involving FAO as a facilitator of SSC. If an official request is made by the country to involve FAO in SSC, funds for collaboration would be negotiated from: the provider country, host country, and/or a triangular partner.

Who can use it

Can Government Ministries be put forward?

Can Government Ministries be put forward?

Yes they can, but specific technical departments/directorates should be highlighted, as the Gateway is designed to network technical expertise.

Can non-State actors (private sector, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), etc.) be involved?

Can non-State actors (private sector, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), etc.) be involved?

Initially, FAO aims to showcase public institutions; however, it is foreseen that the Gateway will beexpanded to include non-State actors.

Can Triangular Partners engage with the Gateway?

Can Triangular Partners engage with the Gateway?

Triangular Partners are often vital to SSC, providing finance to enable the exchange to happen and also complementary technical expertise. Interested parties can contact FAO ([email protected]).


Are the institutions showcased endorsed?

Are the institutions showcased endorsed?

The FAO South-South Cooperation Gateway Prototype is designed purely for information exchange. Institutions are put forward by governments and FAO is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided, nor does it endorse or accredit the institutions showcased.

Are rosters of experts included?

Are rosters of experts included?

Yes, it is up to the institution to decide and include them under their institutional profile.

FAO Reference Centre/Laboratory

Why are some institutions classed as ‘FAO Reference Centres/Laboratories’?

Why are some institutions classed as ‘FAO Reference Centres/Laboratories’?

A number of institutions, such as those from China, have been accredited by FAO as ‘FAO Reference Centres/Laboratories’.

How does an institution become an ‘FAO Reference Centre/Laboratory’?

How does an institution become an ‘FAO Reference Centre/Laboratory’?

This is a structured process following the principles and criteria outlined in the Director-General’s bulletin No. 2006/32.

FAO and South-South Cooperation

How does FAO facilitate SSC?

How does FAO facilitate SSC?

Throughout the process, member countries can engage FAO to facilitate SSC. Following an official request to the FAO Representation, the Organization can help make the match and facilitate the SSC exchange.