FAO in South Sudan


24 September 2018
South Sudan’s Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, with support from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has developed a five-year plan for sustainable management and control of Fall Armyworm in the country. Expected to cost $26 million, the Strategic Plan for Sustainable Management of Fall Armyworm...
24 July 2018
As the main planting season draws to a close across most of the country, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and its partners have finalized efforts to provide South Sudanese farmers hardest hit by hunger and malnutrition with seeds and tools. The Organization has distributed over...
13 July 2018
Local community representatives, refugees living in Maban’s four camps and the nomadic Fallata met for a two-day post migration conference in Bunj town to support peaceful coexistence, as part of efforts to address long standing tensions stemming largely from disputes over grazing land, access to water and cattle damaging farms. During...
12 July 2018
Faced with a widespread infestation of Fall Armyworm (FAW) over the past year, smallholder farmers in South Sudan are being forced to cope with this new additional foe amidst fears of poor access to and availability of food. South Sudan is currently on high alert, as the main maize and sorghum...
11 July 2018
In an effort to improve food security, Norway has donated NOK 150 million (approx. USD 18.6 million) in multiyear funding to FAO South Sudan to provide life-saving livelihood support to thousands of farmers. The agreement, signed today by Norway’s Ambassador to South Sudan Lars Andersen and FAO Representative Serge Tissot, paves...