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Since Sri Lanka joined FAO in 1948, and with a fully-fledged FAO Representation established in 1979, FAO has significantly advanced the country's agriculture, livestock, fisheries, forestry, and environmental sectors.
In response to various socio-economic crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic, FAO has implemented key emergency measures: delivering essential fertilizers, providing emergency cash assistance, establishing school gardens, and supporting nutritional home gardens for vulnerable families. These efforts stabilized agricultural production and essential commodity supplies, enhancing resilience.
FAO supports modernizing farmer fields with high-end technologies and Good Agriculture Practices (GAP), providing agriculture kits and training, and linking farmers to partners to strengthen market connections. FAO also trains smallholder paddy farmers in sustainable practices, emphasizing soil management, efficient fertilizer use, and good agronomic practices to enhance productivity and resilience.
In fisheries and aquaculture, FAO enhances hatchery skills, improves management practices, and upgrades facilities to boost sea cucumber, fingerling, and shrimp production, supporting sustainable wild resource management. FAO introduces refrigeration technology for multi-day fishing vessels to maintain optimal fish hold temperatures, reducing post-harvest quality loss. Additionally, FAO increases inland fish production and sustainability, improving food security and rural livelihoods through seed production, fish fingerling stocking, and capacity building.
Collaborating with the Sri Lankan government on climate adaptation and mitigation technologies, climate-smart agriculture, and digital technologies to streamline agricultural services, FAO enhances fisher safety and establishes sustainable fisheries and aquaculture industries.
FAO remains committed to supporting Sri Lanka in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, focusing on better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life, leaving no one behind.