FAO in Sudan

WeCaN Unite Champions from Dryland regions: WeCaN first Workshop - 29 September 2021


The new WeCaN Community of Practice for women in dryland regions kicked off its first workshop yesterday, 29 September 2021, welcoming nearly 50 members from across the globe! What initially started as eight countries quickly emerged into sixteen across 4 regions, over the course of just three months, and are identified as: Angola, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, Nepal, Palestine, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Vietnam, Zambia - with more to come! While dryland regions themselves are subject to desertification and other detrimental effects due to a rapidly changing climate, the role that women play in combatting and adapting to these changes is essential and must be heard.

This two-hour workshop was lively and engaging, listening to champion voices from Ecuador and Bolivia to Mauritania and Nepal. Insights and perspectives were captured, suggestions were heard, and bonds were created. As the very first joint meeting amongst all current members, this workshop allowed everyone to learn who their peers are, introduce themselves, and begin analysing commonalities.


For further information visit the below link:
