Centro de inversiones de la FAO
Various missions took place in the month of March. Colleagues from headquarters met with our partners in European Union institutions and...
©FAO/David Khelashvili
Women smallholder farmers are leveraging technology and innovation as new agricultural tools
©SEEDEV / Branko Radulović
FAO and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development help update food safety measures for smallholders’ traditional culinary products
New FAO publication provides practical guidance
© FAO/Nozim Kalandarov
More than 100 000 households in farming communities impacted by climate change in Tajikistan will benefit from a wave of...
Cover image by George Gafrin; others by Fernando Javier Urquijo
Earlier this summer, renowned Georgian chef Guram Baghdoshvili prepared khinkali – a traditional Georgian meat-filled dumpling – on an