Centro de inversiones de la FAO
©FAO/Ia Ebralidze
FAO and EBRD promote gastroroutes to raise appreciation of and boost incomes for smallholder farmers
©Nikholoz Mkhedlidze for FAO and EBRD
With its storied gastronomic traditions, rich cultural heritage and striking scenery from mountains to shores, Georgia has set its sights...
©Vedran Ilić
Con el apoyo de la FAO y el BERD, un joven activista social cablea el corazón rural de Montenegro
Keeping food safe from farm to plate is everyone’s business. In Serbia, new flexible food safety bylaws are making it easier...
©Ksenia Kadyrova
FAO’s Collect Mobile app and Smart Milk digital portal are boosting farmers’ livelihoods
© FAO/ John Snell
Azerbaijani and Georgian teas took centre stage during an online celebration on the eve of the second International Tea Day. The...