Farm Business School Training Programme for South Asia

The Farm Business School (FBS) consists of a package of training materials intended to train FBS facilitators and train farmers. The manual for training trainers has been designed for extension workers and farmers as well as Farmer Field School facilitators. This manual provides a guide to the training of Farm Business School facilitators. It is a simple manual to use and gives various options for training. The main focus is on “learning by doing” and this is conducted through in class exercises and practical applications in the field. The training of farmers manual is intended to build farmers’ capacity in entrepreneurial and management skills through a "learning by doing" approach. The programme aims at developing farmer’s skills and competencies in business while improving their knowledge, changing their attitudes towards farming as a business and producing for the market. This is done through a season-long programme that has been designed to be demand responsive, flexible and practical. Farmers learn in small groups, in their own farming environment and at their own pace.