Éléments d'information isolés
Dans cette section du centre de formation et d'apprentissage, vous pouvez rechercher des matériels de formation isolés. Vous y trouverez notamment des manuels, des guides de vulgarisation et d'autres matériels de formation destinés à une utilisation sur le terrain ou à un apprentissage en ligne. Vous pouvez choisir les éléments d'information qui vous intéressent selon leur niveau (introductif, intermédiaire, avancé), la langue, le format, le sujet et d'autres critères.
Titre | Année | Format | Source | Lien | |
Linking people for quality products: Sustainable interprofessional bodies for geographical indications | 2017 | Document | FAO | ||
Global Postharvest Loss Prevention: Fundamentals, Technologies, and Actors | 2016 | Élément d'information en ligne | Coursera Inc. | EN |
Guide pratique du facilitateur : champs école paysans | 2016 | Document | Ministère de l’agriculture du Niger | FR |
My Coop - Managing your Agricultural Cooperative | 2016 | Élément d'information en ligne | International Trade Center (ITC) ; International labour Organization (ILO) | EN |
Un outil de formation pour le renforcement des interprofessions agricoles en Afrique | 2016 | Document | Fondation FARM ; Agence Francaise pour le Developpement (AFD) | FR |
Bioenergy and Food Security (BEFS) Approach | 2015 | Élément d'information en ligne | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | EN |
Conseil de gestion aux TPE agricoles familiales | 2015 | Document | Agrisud | FR |
Guide technique : Pratiques agroécologiques et agroforestières en zone tropicale humide | 2015 | Document | GRET | FR |
Protecting Children from Pesticides! - Visual Facilitator’s Guide | 2015 | Document | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Labour Organization (ILO) | EN |
Supports pédagogiques du RONGEAD sur les chaînes de valeur agricoles | 2015 | Document; Élément d'information en ligne; Support vidéo | RONGEAD | FR |
Water Footprint Training Course | 2015 | Élément d'information en ligne | Water Footprint Network | EN |
End Child Labour in Agriculture | 2014 | Élément d'information en ligne | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | EN |
Entrepreneurship Development Training Manual | 2014 | Document | Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevoelkerung (DSW) | EN |
Farmers Training - Entrepreneurship Manual | 2014 | Document | World Agroforestry Centre | EN |
Forced Labor - E-learning Course | 2014 | Élément d'information en ligne | Verité | EN |
How Green Is That Product? An Introduction to Life Cycle Environmental Assessment | 2014 | Élément d'information en ligne | Coursera Inc. | EN |
Incorporating Climate Change Considerations into Agricultural Investment Programmes | 2014 | Élément d'information en ligne | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | EN |
New Models of Business in Society | 2014 | Élément d'information en ligne | Coursera Inc. | EN |
Subsistence Marketplaces | 2014 | Élément d'information en ligne | Coursera Inc. | EN |
Sustainability of Food Systems: A Global Life Cycle Perspective | 2014 | Élément d'information en ligne | Coursera Inc. | EN |
Water Footprint Assessment - An introduction | 2014 | Présentation | Water Footprint Network | EN |
Contract Farming Handbook - A Practical Guide for Linking Small-Scale Producers and Buyers through Business Model Innovation | 2013 | Document | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) | EN |
Guía de Auto Estudio Sobre Cobertura con Futuros y Opciones de Granos y Oleaginosas | 2013 | Document | CME Group Inc. | EN ES RU |
Learning Module 4: Organization Analysis and Development | 2013 | Document | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | EN |
Self-Study Guide to Hedging with Grain and Oilseed Futures and Options | 2013 | Document | CME Group Inc. | EN ES RU |
Structured Grain Trading Systems in Africa | 2013 | Document | Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), Eastern Africa Grain Council (EAGC) | EN |
Un outil de simulation de la commercialisation groupée, au service des OP | 2013 | Document | Ingénieurs sans Frontières Canada | FR |
Руководство по хеджированию зерновых и масличных с помощью фьючерсов и опционов | 2013 | Document | CME Group Inc. | EN ES RU |
A Guide to Rapid Market Appraisal (RMA) for Agricultural Products | 2012 | Document | International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Catholic Relief Services (CRS), HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation | EN |
Climate Change and Food Security | 2012 | Élément d'information en ligne | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | EN |
Gender in Value Chains - Practical Toolkit to Integrate a Gender Perspective in Agricultural Value Chain Development | 2012 | Document | Agri-ProFocus | EN |
Growing Business with Smallholders - A Guide to Inclusive Agribusiness | 2012 | Document | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) | EN |
Guide de bonnes pratiques de production, stockage et conservation de l’oignon | 2012 | Document | Ministère de l'Agriculture du Niger ; Association Internationale pour le Développement (AID) | FR |
Manuel de Formation pour l’Amélioration du Traitement et du Stockage des Grains Après-récolte | 2012 | Document | World Food Program (WFP), Natural Resources Institute (NRI) of University of Greenwich | EN FR |
Training Manual for Improving Grain Postharvest Handling and Storage | 2012 | Document | World Food Program (WFP), Natural Resources Institute (NRI) of University of Greenwich | EN FR |
Competitiveness and Corporate Social Responsibility | 2011 | Élément d'information en ligne | The World Bank Group | EN |
Gender Equality and Development – Overview Module | 2011 | Élément d'information en ligne | The World Bank Group | EN |
Good Emergency Management Practices: The Essentials - A Guide to Preparing for Animal Health Emergencies | 2011 | Document | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | EN |
Livret pédagogique n°5: Réglementation, normes et standards privés | 2011 | Document | Comité de liaison Europe-Afrique-Caraïbes-Pacifique (COLEACP) ; European Union (EU) | FR |
Methodological Toolkit for Promoting Business Partnerships in Agrifood Chains | 2011 | Document | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | EN |
Policies for Jobs | 2011 | Élément d'information en ligne | The World Bank Group | EN |
Social Enterprise Planning Toolkit | 2011 | Document | The British Council | EN RU |
Standards and Agriculture Trade: Principles and Practice | 2011 | Élément d'information en ligne | The World Bank Group | EN |
Structured Trading System - Handbook | 2011 | Document | Eastern Africa Grain Council (EAGC) | EN |
Water Footprint - Concept and Application | 2011 | Élément d'information en ligne | The World Bank Group | EN |
Руководство по написанию Плана Социального предприятия | 2011 | Document | The British Council | EN RU |
Child Labour Prevention in Agriculture - Junior Farmer Field and Life School - Facilitator’s Guide | 2010 | Document | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | EN |
Facilitators’ Guide for Running a Farmer Field School - An Adaptation to a Post Emergency Recovery Programme | 2010 | Document | Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO) | EN |
Food Safety Manual for Farmer Field Schools - A Training Reference Guide on Food Safety in Global FFS Programmes | 2010 | Document | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | EN |
Marketing Information System (MIS) for Natural Products | 2010 | Document | Asia Network for Sustainable Agriculture and Bioresources (ANSAB) | EN |
Natural Resource Management - Basic Concepts and Strategies | 2010 | Document | Catholic Relief Services (CRS) | EN |
Small Business Management Skills: A Community-Based Approach - Facilitator’s Guide | 2010 | Document | CARE Kenya | EN |
Technical Manual for Farmers and Field Extension Service Providers: Conservation Agriculture | 2010 | Document | Sustainable Agriculture Information Initiative (Sustainet EA.) | EN |
Vegetables Postharvest - Simple Techniques for Increased Income and Market | 2010 | Document | The World Vegetable Center (AVRDC), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) - Regional Economic Development (RED) Program | EN |
Basic Beekeeping - Manual 1 | 2009 | Document | The Food and Environment Research Agency (FERA) | EN |
Good Hygienic Practices in the Preparation and Sale of Street Food in Africa - Tools for Training | 2009 | Document | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | ||
Improving Village Chicken Production: A Manual for Field Workers and Trainers | 2009 | Document | Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) | EN |
On-Farm Post-Harvest Management of Food Grains - A Manual for Extension Workers with Special Reference to Africa | 2009 | Document | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | ||
Rural Skills Training - A Generic Manual on Training for Rural Economic Empowerment (TREE) | 2009 | Document | International Labour Organization (ILO) | EN |
Training for Rural Development: Agricultural and Enterprise Skills for Women Smallholders | 2009 | Document | City & Guilds Centre for Skills Development (CSD) | EN |
A Market Facilitator’s Guide to Participatory Agroenterprise Development | 2008 | Document | International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Catholic Relief Services (CRS) | EN |
Chain-Wide Learning for Inclusive Agrifood Market Development - A Guide to Multi-Stakeholder Processes for Linking Small-Scale Producers to Modern Markets | 2008 | Document | International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), Capacity Development and Institutional Change Programme (CD&IC) - Wageningen University and Research Centre | EN |
Homestead Gardening - A Manual for Program Managers, Implementers, and Practitioners | 2008 | Document | Catholic Relief Services (CRS) | EN |
Manual for Manufacturing Metal Silos for Grain Storage | 2008 | Document | Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) | EN FR |
Manuel de Fabrication de Silos Métalliques pour la Conservation du Grain | 2008 | Document | Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) | EN FR |
Teaching Consumer Education - Introduction to Dolceta Module 4 for Teachers and Adult Educators | 2008 | Document | European Commission (EC) | EN |
Business Training Manual - A Practical Guide for Training Microenterprises | 2007 | Document | LORIKA Foundation | EN |
Guidelines for Rapid Appraisals of Agrifood Chain Performance in Developing Countries | 2007 | Document | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | EN |
Guidelines “Good Agricultural Practices for Family Agriculture” | 2007 | Document | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | ||
Market Research for Value Chain Initiatives - Information to Action: a Toolkit Series for Market Development Practitioners | 2007 | Document | Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) | EN |
Meat Processing Technologies - For Small-to Medium-Scale Producers | 2007 | Document | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | EN |
Five Keys to Safer Food Manual | 2006 | Document | World Health Organization (WHO) | EN |
Livestock Farmer Field Schools – Guidelines for Facilitation and Technical Manual | 2006 | Document | International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) | EN |
Managing Small Business Associations - Trainer’s Manual | 2006 | Document | International Labour Organization (ILO) | EN |
Marketing for Small-Scale Producers - Study Circle Material | 2006 | Document | Swedish Cooperative Centre - Regional Office for Southern Africa (SCC ROSA), Agromisa Foundation | EN |
Women Entrepreneurship Development: Capacity Building Guide | 2006 | Document | International Labour Organization (ILO) | EN |
A Garden for Everyone: Self-Tutorial Manual | 2005 | Document | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | EN |
Business Management for Small-Scale Agro-Processors | 2005 | Document | Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) | EN |
Commodity Chain Analysis- Financial Analysis | 2005 | Document | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | EN FR |
Conservation Agriculture: A Manual for Farmers and Extension Workers in Africa | 2005 | Document | International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR), African Conservation Tillage Network (ACT) | EN |
L’Approche Filière - Analyse Financière | 2005 | Document | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | EN FR |
Rural-Urban Marketing Linkages - An Infrastructure Identification and Survey Guide | 2005 | Document | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | EN |
Farmer Field School Methodology - Training of Trainers Manual | 2004 | Document | Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO) | EN |
GET Ahead for Women in Enterprise: Training Package and Resource Kit | 2004 | Document | International Labour Organization (ILO) | EN |
Helping Small Farmers Think About Better Growing and Marketing - A Reference Manual | 2004 | Document | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | EN |
Into the Market Manual | 2004 | Document | Traidcraft - Market Access Centre, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) | EN |
Keeping Village Poultry - A Technical Manual on Small-Scale Poultry Production | 2004 | Document | Network for Smallholder Poultry Development | EN |
Small-scale Fruit and Vegetable Processing and Products - Production Methods, Equipment and Quality Assurance Practices | 2004 | Document | United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) | EN |
Technical Manual for Small-Scale Fruit Processors | 2004 | Document | International Centre for Underutilised Crops (ICUC) | EN |
04. MARKET RESEARCH for Agroprocessors | 2003 | Document | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | EN |
A Handbook for Training of Disabled on Rural Enterprise Development | 2003 | Document | Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAP) - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | ||
Business Planning for Environmental Enterprises - A Manual for Technical Staff | 2003 | Document | Conservation International | EN |
Let’s Make Our Own Business - Micro-Scale Enterprise for Young People | 2003 | Document | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) | EN |
Small-Scale Postharvest Handling Practices: A Manual for Horticultural Crops (4th Edition) | 2003 | Document | University of California (UC) Davis | EN |
Milk Producer Group Resource Book - A Practical Guide to Assist Milk Producer Groups | 2002 | Document | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | EN |
Agricultural Cooperative Development - A Manual for Trainers | 2001 | Document | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | ||
Contract Farming: Partnerships for Growth - A Guide | 2001 | Document | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | EN |
Mushroom Cultivation for People with Disabilities - A Training Manual | 2001 | Document | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | EN |
Accounting is a Kid’s Game: Introduction to the Dynamics of Financial Statements | 1998 | Document | Appui au Developpement Autonome (ADA), Alternativas y Procesos de Participación Social A.C. (alternativas) | EN |
Agri-Entrepreneurship Training Manual | 1996 | Document | Nova Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) - Dalhousie University | EN |
Retail Markets Planning Guide | 1995 | Document | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | EN |
Managing Income-Generating Rural Activities - Village Group Training | 1994 | Document | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | EN |
Preparing an Agri-Business Plan | 1991 | Document | Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture, Nova Scotia Farm Loan Board | EN |
Prevention of Post-Harvest Food Losses: Fruits, Vegetables and Root Crops - A Training Manual | 1989 | Document | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | EN |
Prevention of Post-Harvest Food Losses: a Training Manual | 1985 | Document | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | EN |
Curriculum d’apprentissage participatif et recherche action (APRA) pour la gestion intégrée de la culture de riz de bas-fonds (GIR) à Madagascar. Manuel du facilitateur | Document; Élément d'information en ligne; Support vidéo | AfricaRice | FR |
Farmer’s Agribusiness Training | Élément d'information en ligne | United States International University (USIU) | EN |