Syrian Arab Republic

FAO in the Syrian Arab Republic is closely aligned with the main national strategic plans, the United Nations (UN) Strategic Framework and the FAO Strategic Framework. Interventions are prioritized in close consultation with national authorities, development partners and other stakeholders, to achieve:

  • Supporting local smallholders to produce crops and breed livestock with production kits and training on good agriculture practices.
  • Restoring and sustaining the use of natural resources through rehabilitation of damaged water infrastructure and adaptation of innovative techniques.
  • Restoring, enhancing or establishing sustainable agriculture-related livelihood opportunities through development of diverse food and agriculture-related micro-enterprises in rural areas

FAO’s early recovery and resilience strategy 2024-2027

FAO relies on four fundamental strategies to design its projects and programmes that would strengthening the resilience of vulnerable farming families in need for solutions towards better access to sustainable food production activities and livelihoods.

Natural resources assessment: to understand the situation of available resources in an area and methods of improvement by either proposing constructional rehabilitation works, or support decision makers with accurate information and studies, or involve local communities to manage their resources by enhancing their skills with capacity building sessions.

Markets assessment: to identify the food production value chain’s challenges– including farmers, processors, wholesalers, distributors, retailers, and consumers – from contributing to sustainable food systems. They can highlight opportunities for enhancing livelihoods, increasing employment prospects, and improving environmental protection.

Community Consultation: building two-way relations/discussions with stakeholders and local communities to deeply involve into the challenges, needs and ideas exchange. This strategy contributes to develop beneficial interventions that meet the community’s expectations towards improvement of food production and living situation.   

Context Analysis: Understand the pressing inter-linked challenges that impacts the agricultural sector.