Urban Food Actions Platform

An efficient urban food policy needs a broad involvement of stakeholders, allowing horizontal (at the local level), vertical (with other territorial levels), and multisectorial coordinations. Such governance mechanisms are not easy to set.
That is why this section shares examples of participatory multi-level food governance, multi-stakeholder platforms or food councils, education and awareness raising campaigns, open data of food policies, internal organizations of local governments, partnerships with civil society, the private sector, universities and international organizations.

Related Resources

Governance and planning - Reports & Case Studies
The future of food systems is closely bound to cities and urban processes. As these relationships are progressively recognised and unpacked cities are becoming the new front lines in the struggle for more just and sustainable food systems. One of the primary ways that cities shape food and agricultural systems...
2018 - Paula Fernandez-Wulff, Christopher Yap
Governance and planning - Articles
Three years after its launch, results went beyond expectations and the Milan Pact became an innovative space of cooperation among cities, networks and international organizations
(Global coverage)
2018 - Milan Urban Food Policy Pact Secretariat
Governance and planning, Food production and ecosystem management - Directories
Trees and forests in and around cities provide a wide range of goods and environmental services and make important contributions to the livelihoods and quality of life of urban dwellers. Many cities have protected, restored or established forests on their peripheries (“peri-urban” forests) in order to, for example: protecting drinking water...
(Global coverage)
2017 - Coll.
Governance and planning - Directories
The Global Database for City and Regional food policies is a resource for local and sub-regional governments to learn about food system policies from around the globe. The searable database provides copies of the legislation, plans, findung allocations, or other public actions authorized or implemented by cities, municipalities, regions, and...
(Global coverage)
2017 - Coll
Governance and planning, Sustainable diets and nutrition, Social and economic equity, Food production and ecosystem management, Food supply and distribution, Food loss and waste - Frameworks
In a constantly urbanizing world, city governments have come to play a crucial role in urban food policies. From among the challenges facing cities, ensuring food security for their residents is vital, and this must be achieved keeping in mind both the balance to be found between urban and rural...
(Global coverage)
2017 - R. Fages, N. Bricas