Urban Food Actions Platform

An efficient urban food policy needs a broad involvement of stakeholders, allowing horizontal (at the local level), vertical (with other territorial levels), and multisectorial coordinations. Such governance mechanisms are not easy to set.
That is why this section shares examples of participatory multi-level food governance, multi-stakeholder platforms or food councils, education and awareness raising campaigns, open data of food policies, internal organizations of local governments, partnerships with civil society, the private sector, universities and international organizations.

Related Resources

Governance and planning - Articles
Developing urban food policies is a constant re-adjustment process. It can be an opportunity for urban food movements to become reflexive and widen the scope of their action. The local food movement should be prepared to forge new alliances, connect to a wider set of actors and organizations, and develop a...
(Global coverage)
2021 - Albane GASPARD
Governance and planning - Academic Literature
Using travel time to cities of different sizes, we map populations across an urban–rural continuum to improve on the standard dichotomous representations of urban–rural interactions. We extend existing approaches by 1) building on central place theory to capture the urban hierarchy in access to services and employment opportunities provided by...
(Global coverage)
2021 - Andrea Cattaneo, Andrew Nelson, and Theresa Mc Menomy
Governance and planning, Food production and ecosystem management, Food supply and distribution - Reports & Case Studies
Across Asia, cities are contending with a wide range of food-related issues but most lack a dedicated or coherent set of food policies. For most cities in Asia, food has been a policy and governance blind spot, while national food policy has distinctly lacked an urban perspective. Arguing that food...
(Asia and the Pacific)
2021 - Acharya, Gayatri; Cassou, Emilie; Jaffee, Steven; Ludher, Elyssa Kaur
Governance and planning, Sustainable diets and nutrition - Guidelines
This handbook is addressed to Parliamentarians to support them in adopting domestic legislation, approving budget allocations, and overseeing public-sector policies towards transforming food systems that deliver healthy diets for all. It can also help municipalities develop policies for sustainable diet and nutrition for their cities.
(Global coverage)
2021 -
Governance and planning - Reports & Case Studies
Over the last couple of decades, local governments have started taking action to address food system challenges. Many innovative food policies have taken place in cities in particular. However, despite major developments spearheaded by visionary local leaders and communities in recent years, local governments in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs)...
Ghana, India, Jamaica (Global coverage)
2021 - Samina Raja, Erin Sweeney, Yeeli Mui, Emmanuel Frimpong Boamah