Plate-forme des Actions Alimentaires Urbaines

City-region food system analysis of the situation Medellin, Colombia

Auteur: Juan Zuluaga, Luca de Paoli
Publié par: FAO RUAF


This report describes the first phase of the evaluation of the city-region food system (CRFS). Key elements of the agri-food system in Medellin are provided, including: historical aspects that have led to the creation and organization of the current agri-food system, an overview of the food supply system with the production areas of the products most consumed in the city, information on the distribution of retail outlets in the city, a presentation of the network of actors involved in the CRFS. The situation analysis is based on secondary data. These data include information on spatial data sets, statistics, studies, institutional, political and legal frameworks, and information acquired through the knowledge of local experts.

Thème: Governance and planning
Tags: Food system analysis, Multi-stakeholders working groups, Rural-urban linkages
Organisation: FAO RUAF
Auteur: Juan Zuluaga, Luca de Paoli
Année: 2016
Type: Reports & Case Studies
City (Pays): Colombia
Région: Latin America and the Caribbean
Format de ressource: Document
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