Urban Food Agenda

Food Governance Mechanisms and Action Plans

Establishing multi-stakeholder food governance mechanisms and holistic urban food systems action plans.

Opportunities for establishing multi-level food governance mechanisms will be explored during project implementation. Under the project, a Food Liaison Advisory Groups (FLAG) will be established in Kisumu and Nairobi.  

The FLAG is a multi-stakeholder platform that collectively represents the voices of the various food system actors. These include both private and public sectors, civil society organizations, academic institutions among others.
The FLAG members are a key resource for flagging potential food related problems and advising decision makers at local and national levels on integrated approaches that permit sustainable food system planning. The role of FLAG in both Kisumu and Nairobi will be crucial for developing the Food strategy and action plan that will promote opportunities for improving access to safe, nutritious, diverse and culturally appropriate food. 

Exchange of experiences for knowledge building and management will be addressed with the Global support for the project (City-to-City inspired South-South cooperation, and North triangulation mechanisms). 

This thematic area will include the following activities:

  • Establishment of the Food Liaison Advisory Group (FLAG) in Kisumu County. 
  • Establishment of the FLAG in Nairobi with focus on the urban-rural linkages.
  • Supporting Kisumu County in developing a Food systems strategy.
  • Finalize the Nairobi food systems strategy 

In Kisumu, the process of establishing the FLAG has been initiated and process of developing a sustainability strategy are underway. A small group of food system stakeholders- the Food Liaison Advisory Group Steering committee is in place and working towards a formalization process for the FLAG, developing an operational and sustainability strategy to guide stakeholder engagement in food governance.

In Nairobi, the food system strategy has been developed through a consultative process led by the Directorate of food systems under the Nairobi city county government. The strategy is in the process of being endorsed and published by the county government. The FLAG in Nairobi is one of the institutions anchored on the Nairobi food system strategy and it is in the process of being formally established as one of the local governance structure once the strategy is endorsed.

Setting of urban food systems governance platforms

  1. Kisumu food governance mechanism
    • Setting of the platform
    • Formulated policies/strategies
  2. Nairobi food governance mechanism
    • Setting of the platform
    • Formulated policies/strategies