News and events

This webinar is part of a series of capacity building and awareness raising events organized by the World Banana Forum and its TR4 Global Network. The previous events were focused on TR4 Diagnosis, Capacity Building and Awareness Raising and TR4-Resistant Varieties.
The World Banana Forum (WBF) and TR4 Global Network invite you to participate in the upcoming webinars on TR4-Resistant Banana Varieties, which will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, 19 and 20 January, from 15:30-18:00 CET. The webinars, co-organized by the WBF and FAO Mesoamerica, aim to provide an overview of banana varieties tolerant or resistant to TR4, their agronomic performance, and the challenges related to market introduction and acceptance.
The Task Force on Gender Equity (GE-TF) will be holding its final webinar for 2021 on Tuesday, 23 November 2021, from 16:00 - 18:00 CET, which will focus on how company risk-based due diligence can support women in the banana supply chain.
FAO and its Global Network on TR4 invites technical teams from National and Regional Plant Protection Organizations (NPPO and RPPO), private sector companies and corporations, associations of banana producers and exporters to participate in these capacity building, awareness and analysis sessions. Academics and scientists from different universities and regional and international research centers linked to banana cultivation will also be welcomed. The event has the support of renowned regional and international experts from OIRSA, CAN, CAHFSA, COSAVE, NAPPO and GISCV, with the technical and financial contribution of the FAO regional emergency project and the World Banana Forum.
The World Banana Forum and the FAO Regional Office of Latin America and the Caribbean invite you to join the Technical Webinar on: Addressing the Global Knowledge gap on Diagnostic tools, Protocols and their applications for Fusarium Wilt of Musa Tropical Race 4