
Complete the survey!


The annual Youth Forum of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) will celebrate its 10th Anniversary on 7-8 April 2021 and this year, it is being organized at a time when the world is witnessing an unprecedented global emergency with the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is within this framework and under the aegis of the ECOSOC, that the FAO and the Major Group for Children and Youth, will lead within the forum, the thematic session ‘’A people-centric response’’, specific to SDG 2 and 3, in collaboration with UNESCO, UN-Habitat, WHO, UNEP Major Group for Children and Youth constituency, International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation and the International Federation of Medical Students' Associations.

The session will look at how youth have been impacted by COVID-19 in regard to SDG 2 and SDG 3, as well as how they have acted to address this.

To generate as much participation as possible from youth, FAO and all the involved organizations, invite all young women and men (up to the age of 35), their representatives and networks to complete the following survey. Link to the survey:

Recommendations from this online survey will enable inputs from a wide audience of young people and will be presented during the session which will take place on the 7th of April 2021, the registration link to the session can be found at the end of the survey.