FAO in Zimbabwe

Programmes and projects

The Country Programming Framework (CPF) for Zimbabwe (2022 – 2026)

The Country Programming Framework (CPF) for Zimbabwe (2022 – 2026) is anchored on the country's national priorities as articulated in the country's National Development Strategy 1 (NDS) 2021–2025 and Zimbabwe's Vision 2030 statement, which aims to move the country “Towards a Prosperous and Empowered Upper Middle-Income Society by 2030.” The CPF derives from the UN Common Country Analysis and the Zimbabwe United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (ZUNSDCF), which articulates the strategic engagement of the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) to support the country to achieve the SDGs. 

At the corporate level, the Zimbabwe CPF contributes to the global FAO strategic Framework 2022–2031 which seeks to support the transformation to more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agri-food systems for better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life, leaving no one behind.

Anchored on the NDS1 and in line with FAO's Strategic Framework (2022–2031) and the ZUNSDCF (2022–2026) outcomes, the CPF 2022–2026 will deliver support in three strategic priority areas:

Priority Area I: Promotion of inclusive and sustainable agrifood systems to address food security and nutrition;

Priority Area II: Building resilience to climate change, agricultural threats, and crisis;

Priority Area III: Sustainable management of natural resources and environmental protection

Strategic priorities identified by stakeholders where FAO can contribute the most and likely to generate the most tangible impact (clustered based on the identified CPF 2022 – 2026 priorities) include:

Priority I: Promotion of inclusive agriculture food systems to address food and nutrition security (better production and better nutrition).

(i) Enhancement of food and nutrition security by improving access to nutritious and safe food (including through trade), a greater understanding of gender dynamics, as well as cross-cutting issues of women and youth empowerment through interventions in the agricultural, forestry and fisheries sectors.

(ii) Facilitating institutional reforms through advocacy, providing technical support for policy formulation, operationalization and implementation as well as for the development of strategies, laws, standards, etc. Identified key interventions include the need for facilitation in the formulation of the Agro-Biodiversity Policy, the Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Plan and finalisation of the National Agriculture Policy Framework; implementation of approved policies such as the Agriculture Recovery Plan and the Livestock Growth Plan; and reviews of the current Land Policy and the Post-Harvest Strategy.

(iii) Fostering the commercialization of smallholder agriculture by transforming the business mind-set and promoting the Farming as a Family Business (FAAFB) concept.

(iv) Crowding in private-sector investments and increased trade in agriculture, forestry and fisheries.

(v) Facilitating access to input and output markets, and other essential services, including enhancing partnerships with transit countries.

(vi) Strengthening the capacity for sanitary and phytosanitary measures and biosecurity issues.

Priority II: Building resilience to climate change (better life)

(i) Promotion of climate change mitigation and adaptation, e.g. through Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) such as Conservation Agriculture (CA), agro-forestry, weather-indexed insurance, etc. National adaptation planning is currently an on-going process. However, FAO can provide further support on consultations, reviews and the piloting of good practices. Also critical is the need for formulation of a Climate Change Bill.

(ii) Promotion of CSA, including climate resilience programmes and natural disasters preparedness and biodiversity through the training of extension agents in the country on the recommended CSA practices as well as the creation of a CSA alliance with tertiary institutions with the aim to promote CSA adoption in communities.

(iii) Enhancing early warning and early action systems, as well as the use of crisis modifiers and information systems for shocks and hazards, including for cyclones, droughts, flooding, fruit-fly and migrant pests such as locusts and the fall armyworm. Equally important is the need for finalization and dissemination of the climate information database and information portal.

Priority III: Sustainable management of natural resources (better environment)

(i) Supporting sustainable agriculture, forestry and fisheries, resilient livelihoods and the diversification of on-and off-farm incomes e.g. through the development of climate resilient programmes and projects, adoption of the layering approach and anticipatory action such as input support programmes.

(ii) Sustenance of natural resources management by promoting sustainable production and harvesting within the forestry and fisheries sectors, e.g. for NTFPs.

(iii) Nurturing water resources management for agriculture, forestry, fisheries and WASH by encouraging catchment management, community engagements and a decentralized approach to water management. Specific interventions can include promoting integrated water resources management, borehole drilling and weir construction in vulnerable communities.


(i) Digitalization of agriculture. This includes the need for enhancing the use of ICTs in agriculture, the creation of a data base and the implementation of the integrated Agriculture Information Management System (AIMS) strategy.

(ii) Broad macro-economic reforms that are coupled with strong social protection programmes.

(iii) Investments in agriculture, forestry and fisheries, strengthening of value chains and de-risking investment in key value chains, processes that are key in allowing agriculture, forestry and fisheries to be private sector driven. FAO can leverage on this process by facilitating the MLAFWRR’s current drive towards formulation of the Agriculture Value Chain Financing Policy. A similar policy can be pursued by the MECTHI.

(iv) Capacity building for agricultural innovation systems, agricultural advisory and extension service frontline staff through skills training and financial resources support as part of a strategy for increasing agricultural production and productivity levels, e.g. improved mobility and an operational budget for frontline extension agents. This is also critical for improving market access, regulation and governance.

(v) Climate resilience capacity – ability to cope and bounce back from a shock, hazard or disaster e.g. having a climate smart sector, investments in irrigation infrastructure.

(vi) Technical training for public sector officers on broad topics that include proposal development for mobilisation of financial resources from finance windows such as the Green Climate Fund (GCF), Global Environmental Fund (GEF), etc.

(vii) Sound coordination, a conducive policy environment with clear policies and where government plays a regulatory role, and effective partnerships.

(viii) Strengthening of input and output markets, including enhancing access to finance and product markets, so that there is the push and pull to encourage farmers to come on board.

(ix) Improving the competitiveness of the local agricultural sector by training and enhancing particularly the smallholder farmers’ capacity to meet the standards of export markets.

(x) Ensuring wellbeing through integrated WASH interventions.

(xi) Reliable power supply, notably from renewable energy sources.

(xii) Decentralization by government.

(xiii) Establishment of a multi-stakeholder platform for enhancing coordination of efforts.

(xiv) Political will, honouring already set agendas/commitments, and budgetary allocation for key programmes and activities.

(xv) Women and youth empowerment by supporting women and youth in vulnerable communities to initiate projects and programmes focusing on target sectors.