This Public Service Announcements (PSA) produced by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United...
François Malabave, journaliste à Fréquence Mistral, s'intéresse à un projet de l'association Le Cabanon: la création d'un jardin solidaire qui redonne l'envie de cultiver la terre et de produire des fruits et légumes.
Este programa de FM Gente de Radio se centra en los problemas nutricionales encontrados en San Carlos de Bariloche, en la Patagonia, Argentina.
Registered Dietitian, Melinda Hemmelgarn, host of Food Sleuth, interviews Jeff Ritterman, M.D., who explores the link between fatal kidney disease among farmers in Central America, Sri Lanka and India, and their exposure to heavy metal and Monsanto's RoundUp herbicide.
Committee on Agriculture 24th Session, COAG, Side Event: The Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2), FAO Headquarters (Iran Room)
In this segment, the host of KC 107.7 FM explores the role that south african women play in insuring food security in the country. (Paarl, South Africa)