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  • FAO Mobile phone App to monitor & combat Fall Armyworm

    (Sources for images: E-Agriculture , Africa.Farming.Com ) We would like to congratulate colleagues at A WorldBridge * for their exceptional determination and efforts in contributing technical excellence and substantive achievements to assisting small-holder farmers in Africa in managing the Fall...

  • 4 May 2018 : Join free Webinar on : AGRIS for Agricultural Information Users

    We are pleased to invite you to attend an upcoming Webinar on AGRIS for Agricultural Information Users This Webinar is co-organized by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO of the UN) together with Information Training & Outreach Centre for Africa (ITOCA) . DATE: Friday, 4 May...

  • AGRIS reaches 9,153,738 records (March 2018)

    FAO - AGRIS ( International Information System for the Agricultural Science and Technology ) free of charge service provides access and visibility to research information resources in agricultural and related domains. As to March 2018, number of AGRIS records/multilingual bibliographic resources has...