Центр знаний об агроэкологии

Sixth Valencian Congress of Ecological Agriculture


The VI Valencian Congress of Ecological Agriculture organized by Spanish Society of Agroecology (SEAE) will be held from 3 to 4 of October 2019 in Valencia.

Agricultural production has profound effects on the environment as a whole. They are the main source of water contamination by nitrates, phosphates and pesticides. They are also the largest anthropogenic source of gases responsible for the greenhouse effect and contribute greatly to other types of air and water pollution. Agriculture also affects the basis of its own future through soil degradation, salinization, excess water extraction and the reduction of genetic diversity. However, the long-term consequences of these processes are difficult to quantify.

For all these reasons, agriculture faces the unprecedented challenge of ensuring the supply of food for a rapidly growing human population, while seeking to minimize the adverse impacts of agriculture on the environment, reduce the use of resources and energy renewable and improve resistance to global warming and its consequences on climate change.

In this context, agroecology offers multiple opportunities to guarantee an ecological, sustainable and healthy diet for the entire population, ensuring the sustainability of the planet and being one of its strong fight against climate change, both in mitigation and adaptation. We can confirm that agroecology represents a multisectoral and multifunctional strategy and the agroecological transition is the necessary way to face climate change and other challenges of the SXXI.

According to this challenges, the objectives of the conference are:

-Address the role of agroecology in the face of climate change and other challenges of the XXI century.

-Share news and advances in research in organic production, agroecology and rural development.

-Facilitate the exchange of experiences and transformative initiatives of agri-food systems that collaborate in the design of future scenarios that respect the planet.

They will address some of the main challenges that agriculture and food have in this century like climate emergency and environmental challenges, health and quality, productive sufficiency and technological improvement and democratization of the food system and urban-rural relations (consumption). The program is composed by a framework that addresses the current situation regarding the already mentioned challenges, followed by related initiatives and solutions.

 03/10/2019 - 04/10/2019
Место: Valencia, Spain
Год: 2019
Страна/страны: Spain
Язык контента: Spanish
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Категория: Мероприятие
Organization: Spanish Society of Agroecology (SEAE)

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