Agroecology Knowledge Hub


Agroecology plays an important role in contributing to the eradication of hunger and extreme poverty, and as a means to facilitate the transition to more productive, sustainable and inclusive food systems. Creating a greater awareness of agroecology and its advantages is an important step to help policy-makers, farmers and researchers to apply this approach to achieve a world without hunger.

The database provides a starting point to organize the existing knowledge on agroecology, collecting articles, videos, case studies, books and other important material in one place. The objective is to support policy-makers, farmers, researchers and other relevant stakeholders through knowledge exchange and knowledge transfer. The database is a ‘living process’ that is constantly being updated.

The external references on this website are provided for informational purpose only - they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by FAO.

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A team of researchers from the National University of the Litoral (UNL) and The National Scientific and Technical Research Council in Argentina (CONICET for its acronym in Spanish) evaluated the presence of bird species in two rice crops - one with the use of agrochemicals and the other with agroecological...
The Central American Dry Corridor is one of the Central American areas most affected by climate extreme events, particularly drought. In order to strengthen the sustainability, inclusion, and resilience of the production systems of the countries of the Central American Integration System (SICA for its acronym in Spanish), an inventory...
The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Argentina recently launched a National Plan called "Casa Común" seeking to promote a territorial intervention that contributes to sustainable development and promotes a healthy, dignified and diverse environment, focusing on Civil Society Organizations and youth entrepreneurs. Community organizations across the country are invited to...
The limits and weaknesses of food globalization have become unquestionably visible in the current context of the pandemic we are experiencing and in the ensuing economic crisis that lies ahead. The 3.7 million people at risk of poverty in Portugal will surely be the main victims of this pandemic, which...
On Thursday, June 25 CERAI  held the fifth and last talk in the series 'Conversations for a post-COVID-19: Sustainable food as a guarantee for the future', with the participation of Fernando Fernandez, Head of Cabinet of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of the Balearic Government, and Isa Alvarez,...
Global agriculture is challenged by a combination of climate change, biodiversity loss, and the growing demand for food, feed, fiber and energy. The research and development community has been looking into various ways of making agriculture more sustainable, and agroeoclogical approach gives high expectations. Agroecology is a scientific approach to sustainable...
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Total results:2743