Centro de conocimientos sobre agroecología

Base de datos

La agroecología desempeña una función importante con vistas a contribuir a la erradicación del hambre y la pobreza extrema y como vía para facilitar la transición a sistemas alimentarios más productivos, sostenibles e inclusivos. Crear una mayor conciencia de la agroecología y sus ventajas es un paso importante a fin de ayudar a los encargados de formular las políticas, los agricultores y los investigadores a aplicar este enfoque para lograr un mundo libre del hambre.

La base de datos ofrece un punto de partida para organizar los conocimientos existentes sobre agroecología, mediante la recopilación de artículos, vídeos, estudios de casos, libros y material importante de otros tipos en un único lugar. El objetivo es prestar apoyo a los encargados de formular las políticas, los agricultores, los investigadores y otras partes interesadas pertinentes mediante el intercambio y la transferencia de conocimientos. La base de datos es un "proceso vivo" por cuanto se actualiza constantemente.

Las referencias externas de este sitio web se proporcionan únicamente con fines informativos y no constituyen un respaldo ni una aprobación de la FAO.  

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The practice of natural agriculture focuses on biodiversity preservation and promotes seed conservation.  This approach emphasizes the environment's fundamental characteristics and supports the Satoyama concept that integrates ecological compatibility among landscape and seascape management. In this session, part of the Oxford Real Farming Conference 2021 programme, Shumei Natural Agriculture presented a virtual tour...
The Nyéléni Food Sovereignty Movement in Europe and Central Asia (Nyéléni-ECA) launched this webinar on "National Land Coalitions for Land Policy Reform". During the event, participants from Scottish Land Trust, and the Land Justice Network of United Kingdom; Terre de Liens, France; and the Land preservation network of Netzwerk Flächensicherung,...
Agroecology promotes the transformation of food and agriculture based on ecological principles, focused on justice-based visions led by farmers and citizens. It is increasingly adopted as a response to converging socio-ecological crises. However, almost all funding continues to flow to projects that undermine agroecology and strengthens the global, industrial farming...
The Nyéléni Food Sovereignty Movement in Europe and Central Asia (Nyéléni-ECA) organized series of webinars on occasion to launch the manual "Your Land, My Land, Our Land". This handbook presents a diversity of grassroots strategies to preserve access to land for peasant farming and agroecology.  At this webinar participants from various European...
This webinar series presents several perspectives and strategies on preserving farmland and supporting peasant agroecology in Europe, from the local to the European level. It results from the "Erasmus + Partnership on Land Strategies", bringing together peasant farming from the European Coordination Via Campesina and Eco Ruralis; organic farming of  IFOAM...
This handbook aims to provide land activist groups with hope and inspiration and systematic, hands-on practical knowledge about various approaches and strategic options based on real, successful stories and experiences. In each approach, different examples illustrate various concrete applications, giving a clear overview of tools that can be used to...
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