Центр знаний об агроэкологии

База данных

Агроэкологии отведена важная роль в ликвидации голода и крайней нищеты, а также в процессе перехода к более продуктивным, устойчивым и инклюзивным продовольственным системам. Повышение уровня осведомленности об агроэкологии и ее преимуществах – мера, необходимая для оказания поддержки политикам, фермерам и исследователям в применении данного подхода и освобождении мира от голода.

Эта база данных служит отправной точкой для упорядочивания имеющихся знаний по агроэкологии, сбора статей, видео, конкретных примеров, книг и других важных материалов в одном месте. Она создана для оказания поддержки политикам, фермерам, исследователям и другим соответствующим заинтересованным сторонам путем обмена знаниями. База данных – это "живая", постоянно обновляющаяся система.

Внешние ссылки на данном веб-сайте приводятся только в информационных целях - они не означают одобрения со стороны ФАО.

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Gender related content
This technical guide helps farmers and land managers understand and apply innovative agroecological practices. Created within the CGIAR Agroecology Initiative (AE-I), the guide promotes context-appropriate agroecological methods to improve farming sustainability. It focuses on three key areas: soil management, water management, and integrated pest management (IPM). The guide outlines techniques,...
The global agroecosystem has long supported human society by providing nutrient-rich food. However, modern farming practices, such as chemical intensification and simplification, have weakened biodiversity on farmland, making it more vulnerable to pests. The article argues that biological control, which involves using plant, animal, and microbial biodiversity, can effectively reduce pest...
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The article discusses the need for significant changes in cropping systems (CS) to facilitate an agroecological transition. Achieving this requires innovative design tailored to local conditions, which is challenging due to the need for extensive, often under-researched knowledge distributed among various stakeholders. Research since the 2000s has focused on participatory...
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The article highlights the growing adoption of agroecology by African countries, particularly within national agricultural frameworks. This approach aims to transform agricultural and food systems to enhance food security, reduce poverty, and meet continental and global commitments. Agroecology addresses critical priorities such as climate change adaptation, biodiversity conservation, food and...
Malawi - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia - Zimbabwe
Политический обзор/документ
This article analyses the tensions associated with the emergence of microorganism-based agricultural inputs in two Latin American countries, Brazil and Mexico. More specifically, it examines the ways in which these technologies, which are based on the use of living organisms, leave public microbiology research laboratories and are further developed by...
Brazil - Mexico
журнальная статья
The FAO Agroecology Digest presents a round-up of news, research publications, stories from the field, and multimedia materials (and much more) worldwide. Browse the database for up-to-date resources and share additional resources and feedback by writing to [email protected]. We want to bring to your attention the Germinate! column which features the perspective, insights, and innovations of leading...
Информационный бюллетень
Total results:2745