Центр знаний об агроэкологии

База данных

Агроэкологии отведена важная роль в ликвидации голода и крайней нищеты, а также в процессе перехода к более продуктивным, устойчивым и инклюзивным продовольственным системам. Повышение уровня осведомленности об агроэкологии и ее преимуществах – мера, необходимая для оказания поддержки политикам, фермерам и исследователям в применении данного подхода и освобождении мира от голода.

Эта база данных служит отправной точкой для упорядочивания имеющихся знаний по агроэкологии, сбора статей, видео, конкретных примеров, книг и других важных материалов в одном месте. Она создана для оказания поддержки политикам, фермерам, исследователям и другим соответствующим заинтересованным сторонам путем обмена знаниями. База данных – это "живая", постоянно обновляющаяся система.

Внешние ссылки на данном веб-сайте приводятся только в информационных целях - они не означают одобрения со стороны ФАО.

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For the 12th consecutive year, the Master's course in Ecological Agriculture, of the Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo (ESA / IPVC), will be held in 2019/2020, intended for holders of a bachelor's degree preferably in the areas Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Food, Environment, Biology, or other areas,...
Smallholders in developing countries face institutional and economic constraints in obtaining the status of certified organic producers. Despite the outstanding growth of organic markets over the last decade, certification costs and standards from the developed world prevent many smallholders in developing countries from entering these markets. Farmers seeking to sell...
Рабочий документ
The impact of organic farming in developing countries may be evaluated under a wide range of perspectives. Here we focus on three main areas: economic, environmental and social effects and develop a feasible approach to organic adoption assessments that is – in our intentions- flexible enough to be used in...
Agriculture and food systems rely on a variety of energy sources, including renewable and non-renewable resources such as fossil fuels as well as human and animal labour. Energy is used not only in planting, cultivating, and harvesting of crops and animal products, but also in the manufacture and transport of...
Crop cultivation in Ethiopia has a long history of at least 5000 years (Clark, 1976), and implements for cutting and grinding seed have been found in stone age sites, such as Melka Konture by the Awash River in central Ethiopia, dating back much earlier. Just when crop cultivation started in...
The paper discusses third party certification, for both individuals and farmer groups, as well as participatory certification. Case studies from Thailand, India, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Brazil engaged in organic rice and organic fruit and vegetable production are examined. Issues analysed include the organizational structure and marketing strategies in...
Total results:2740