Sustainable Food Value Chains Knowledge Platform

About the platform

This global knowledge platform provides a user-friendly gateway to practical guidance and information on the development of Sustainable Food Value Chains (SFVC). SFVC development is a market-oriented and systems-based approach for measuring, analysing and improving the performance of food value chains (FVCs) in ways that help ensure their economic, social and environmental sustainability. An extensive vocabulary of technical terms developed specifically for SFVCs allows refined searches of the platform’s comprehensive databases. Underpinning the platform is a community of members, which facilitates networking and the exchange of ideas among policy-makers, project designers, field practitioners and other people working on topics related to SFVCs.

Library Additions

El riesgo elevado es un factor frecuentemente aludido para justificar el débil montante dedicado al crédito para la agricultura en los países del Sur. En ...
High risk levels is often the justification given for the small sums available for agriculture credit in the global South. Setting up a guarantee fund ...

Training and Learning Center Additions

The goal of the JFFLS is to empower vulnerable youth, and provide them with the livelihood options and gender-sensitive skills needed for ...
Ce document propose un guide et des modules pédagogiques sur le conseil de gestion aux TPE agricoles familiales. Le conseil ...

Member Discussions

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Rome, Italy - The Food Systems and Food Safety Division (ESF) at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is pleased ...
November 15, 2023- FAO Technical Network on Sustainable Food Value Chains Development & Finance (SFVC D&F) has organized a webinar ...