Partnership for agricultural water for Africa

Support to Agricultural Water Management (AWM) in the Horn of Africa through the Partnership for Agricultural Water in Africa (AgWA)

Budget: US$ 346 475
01/12/2013 - 31/12/2015
Project Status: Closed
Country: Kenya, South Sudan, Uganda

The purpose of the project is to significantly reduce hunger and poverty in the selected Horn of Africa countries in line with MDG1 through sustained agricultural growth and food production as a result of effective implementation of CAADP at national level, focusing on the agricultural water management dimension within the priorities of AgWA.
The project will achieve three main objectives:

  • To build national capacity in South Sudan In the context of the CAADP-Compact process for the evidence-based analysis and identification of AWM priorities at national level, to tackle in particular knowledge, institutional, governance, regulatory and financial barriers to sustainable Agricultural Water Management.
  • To refine a broad National Agriculture Investment Plan (NAIP) for Kenya and Uganda to specifically re-emphasize Agricultural Water Management, detailing out specific programs that will achieve sector goals, objectives and targets as stipulated in the CAADP Compacts.
  • To foster partnerships in South Sudan, Kenya, and Uganda around common AWM priorities at national level, including through cooperation and coordination with different members of AgWA, relevant African institutions as well as international donors, thus demonstrating the added value of AgWA as AWM coordination platform.