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¡Corre la voz, frena la resistencia a los antimicrobianos!, Bajo este eslogan la Alianza Tripartita inició la Semana WAAW en la región

“La FAO a través de su Centro de Referencia para la RAM, SENASICA de México, efectuó un webinario regional para compartir y consolidar avances y propuestas del proyecto regional gestionado por FAO, OIE, OPS y la UE en siete países [...]

FAO lanza el nuevo Plan de Acción sobre la RAM (2021-2025)

 “El nuevo plan FAO presenta cinco objetivos estratégicos expresados en una cadena de resultados, y una lista detallada de actividades clave para orientar la implementación de los planes nacionales de acción sobre RAM en el sector de la alimentación y [...]

FAO participa en encuentro sobre avances de la acuicultura de Chile frente a la RAM

“Sabemos que la multidisciplina, el contacto entre los sectores público, privado y la academia, puede ser tremendamente virtuoso para poder compartir experiencias y puntos de vista, y consolidar los pasos a seguir en una materia tan importante como la RAM” [...]

La RDC évalue son système de surveillance et de détection de la résistance aux antimicrobiens (RAM) et définit des objectifs pour son amélioration

L’outil FAO-ATLASS permet aux pays d'évaluer leur système de surveillance de la résistance aux antimicrobiens dans les secteurs de l’alimentation et de l’agriculture La résistance aux antimicrobiens (RAM) est la capacité des microorganismes à devenir résistants aux antimicrobiens tels que les [...]

Spread Awareness, Stop Resistance: Interview with FAO's Maria Helena Semedo and EU's Claire Bury on Antimicrobial Resistance

It called for the global engagement of all actors to step up efforts to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR), through a One Health approach. To mark the occasion, FAO Deputy Director-General, Maria Helena Semedo, and the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Health [...]

WAAW 2021: The march continues, spread awareness, stop resistance!

This week is World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW). The theme for WAAW 2021 is “Spread awareness, stop resistance.” With this year’s theme, we want to encourage human, animal, and environmental health stakeholders to be AMR Awareness Champions in their families, [...]

Antimicrobials must be used sparingly to preserve their utility for agrifood systems and human health

Keith Sumption, FAO’s Chief Veterinary officer, did his doctoral research decades ago in southern Africa, at a time when veterinary medicines to maintain livestock health were available only a few days out of each year. Today the problem is not [...]

New Codex standards to help contain foodborne antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

Markus Lipp, FAO Senior Food Safety Officer, explains here what the new standards mean.

FAO publishes new plan to counter antimicrobial resistance

Director-General QU Dongyu warns of threat to food security and livelihoods as well as human and animal health

The regional project “Working Together to Fight Antimicrobial Resistance” expands to address COVID-19 associated AMR threats

FAO, OIE and PAHO, the implementing organizations of the regional project “Working Together to Fight Antimicrobial Resistance”, have signed an addendum with the European Union to extend this initiative for an additional year. This expansion, in scope and duration, will [...]

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